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Study the sources carefully, and then answer all the questions.

You may use any of the sources to help you answer the questions, in addition to those sources which you are told to use. In answering the questions, you should use your knowledge of the topic to help you interpret and evaluate the sources. 1 [a] Study Source A. What is the message of this cartoon? Explain your answer. Study Source B. Can you believe what the source says about ASEAN? Explain your answer. Study Sources C and D. How different are the two sources? Explain your answer. Study Source E. How useful is the source in showing ASEANs commitment to making the organization more effective? Explain your answer.


1 [b]


1 [c]


1 [d]


ASEAN Is it an effective organisation? Background Information Read this carefully. It may help you answer some of the questions. Today, ASEAN comprises Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and Myanmar. The organisation was created to foster economic growth and political stability in the region. However, it has been difficult to find an issue on which all 10 ASEAN members can work together for a common cause. Some of the challenges facing the organisation include the Cyclone Nargis disaster in Myanmar. When the cyclone in Myanmar occurred, it tested ASEAN's unity seriously. Myanmar only allowed its ASEAN counterparts to lead the humanitarian assistance three weeks after the cyclone had hit the country. Did ASEAN play an important role to close the gap of trust between the Myanmar government and the international community with regards to emergency aid to the disaster victims?

Source A: A cartoonists view of ASEAN. The small boy in the cartoon represents Myanmar. The man in the cartoon is ASEAN Secretary-General Ong Keng Yong.
Myanmar is part of our family

Source B:

Remarks by Singapores Foreign Minister about humanitarian aid to Myanmar that appeared in Bangkoks Independent newspaper

George Yeo gave ASEAN a grade C for its handling of Myanmar following the Cyclone Nargis disaster when the country's military government refused foreign aid. Yeo compared the organisation to a class in school in his evaluation. "We feared the worst initially, but it turned out not to be an F grading," Yeo said. "Certainly not an A or B but with ASEAN's assistance and ASEAN taking the lead in bringing humanitarian aid into Myanmar, we could give ourselves a C grading." Despite what was seen as a slow response at first, ASEAN adjusted to the situation and persuaded the military government to allow foreign aid into the country. Source C: Extract from a newspaper article in Asia-Pacific News.

Surin Pitsuwan, ASEAN's newly appointed secretary-general, held an impromptu meeting in Singapore in the wake of the cyclone calamity and pushed through a tri-partite mechanism including ASEAN, the UN and Myanmar government that essentially created a 'diplomatic umbrella' under which an emergency relief operation could operate. Since the tri-partite core group got started, access to the hardest-hit areas was essentially eased. Over the past two-and-a-half months the World Food Programme (WFP) has successfully delivered 20,924 tons of food to some 684,000 beneficiaries, much of it through an emergency air cargo hub at Bangkok's Don Muang Airport. UN officials closely involved in the cyclone relief effort from day-one attribute this relative success to the ASEAN initiative. Source D: A cartoonists impression of ASEAN

Source E:

Comments made by H.E. Dr. Surin Pitsuwan, Secretary-General of ASEAN

Personally, what I have in mind is that in any area of disaster, what we should aim at, with ASEAN dialogue partners should be to build back better than before. That should be our guiding principle to reflect our commitment - to build back better for Myanmar and for ASEAN. If we can get through this, Myanmar would be rebuilt, turning the rice bowl of Myanmar into its traditional role as the rice bowl not only of Myanmar but of Southeast Asia. It will show that ASEAN is relevant, that we can extend help with the international community and ASEAN will come out of this stronger.

1 [a] Study Source A. What is the message of this cartoon? Explain your answer. [5 marks] L1 Describes source information [1] E.g. The cartoon shows Myanmar depicted as a small boy breaking the things in the house with a slingshot. L2 States message of source, unsupported [2] E.g. The source is hinting that ASEAN is ineffective in controlling member country. / The source is implying that ASEAN should take a strong stand. L3 States message of source, supported [3-4] 1 inference 3 marks 2 inferences 4 marks E.g. (L3 + support using relevant information found in the source) ASEAN still considers Myanmar as part of ASEAN even though it is destructive. This is evident from the declaration made by the ASEAN Secretary-General that Myanmar is part of our family So no action is taken against Myanmar to stop it from being destructive but merely words to show that ASEAN is tolerant of Myanmars conduct. L4 Outcome/Purpose/Motive [5] E.g. Criticising ASEAN for not taking action against Myanmar. Cartoonist urging ASEAN to take action against Myanmar. 1 [b] Study Source B. Can you believe what the source says about ASEAN? Explain your answer. [6 marks] L1 Yes/No; Answer based on provenance/typicality [1] E.g. The comments are by Singapores Foreign Minister so it will be reliable. Only one view so not representative of the majority. L2 Answer based on Content [2] E.g. The source says that ASEANs effectiveness is average. It is believable as he based it on what ASEAN had done with regard to the disaster in Myanmar. This is evident when he said that with ASEAN's assistance and ASEAN taking the lead in bringing humanitarian aid into Myanmar, ASEAN could give itself a C grading." L3 Answer based on Tone/ Purpose of Source [3] (Award 5m for well-explained answer) E.g. The source says that ASEANs effectiveness is average. It is believable because as a member nation Singapore would be expected to give a good impression

of the organization but instead he seems to be evaluating (purpose) it in an objective (tone) manner. This is evident when he said that ASEAN effectiveness was certainly not an A or Bbut a C grading" and that even though ASEAN gave a slow response at first, ASEAN adjusted to the situation, it managed to persuade the military government to allow foreign aid into the country. L4 Yes/No Answer based on cross-reference to other sources [4] E.g. The source says that ASEANs effectiveness is average. It is believable because with cross-reference to Source C, it states that ASEAN has both good and bad points. It shows that ASEAN possesses some qualities of an insecure organisation. Despite of this, ASEAN has driven itself into a position of strength. L5 Yes And No; Answer based on cross-reference to other sources/ background information [5-6] E.g. Source A shows that Source B cannot be trusted. In Source A, it is shown that ASEAN still considers Myanmar as part of ASEAN even though it is destructive. This is evident from the declaration made by the ASEAN Secretary-General that Myanmar is part of our family So no affirmative action is taken against Myanmar to stop it from being destructive but merely words to show that ASEAN is tolerant of Myanmars conduct. So ASEAN is ineffective in controlling its member country. Source D also shows that Source B cannot be trusted. In Source D, you can see that ASEAN is being sunk by the flood which is represented by the words EMPTY SPEECHES & DECLARATIONS. ASEAN is not taking concrete action to save itself despite having a loudhailer as can be seen from the cartoon. So ASEAN is not in a good position to help Myanmar. 1 [c] Study Sources C and D. How different are the two sources? Explain your answer. [7 marks] L1 Similarity/Difference of provenance/source type /topic[1] E.g. Different because Source C is a newspaper article while Source D is a cartoon. E.g. They are similar because both are about speeches and declarations made by ASEAN. L2 Describe source content/False Matching [2] Source C describes the creation of a diplomatic umbrella that includes ASEAN, UN and Myanmar, Source D shows a picture with the words Empty Speeches And Declarations that reflects what ASEAN is all about. L3 Difference or Similarity of content [3]

2 marks for 1 difference/similarity. 3 marks for difference/similarity supported Eg. Different because Source C says that ASEAN has been successful in helping Myanmar by creating a 'diplomatic umbrella' under which an emergency relief operation could operate and able to get access to the hardest-hit areas that was essentially eased. On the other hand, Source D says that ASEAN made empty speeches and declarations and cannot be counted on to save its member countries successfully from being destroyed. As can be seen in the cartoon, ASEAN is not taking concrete action to save itself despite having a loudhailer to get help as can be seen from the cartoon. So ASEAN is not in a good position to help Myanmar. OR Eg. Similar because Source C talk about ASEAN effort in launching an emergency relief operation while Source D is showing ASEAN waiting for help to arrive to rescue itself. L4 Difference and Similarity of content [4-5] 4 marks for 1 point explained. 5 marks for further elaboration Both elements of L2 L5 Similarity/difference based on tone [6] E.g. Source C has a positive and supportive tone while Source D has a negative and critical tone. Source C shows that ASEAN has been able to elicit help from ASEAN, the UN and the Myanmar government so that an emergency relief operation could operate. Source D portrays ASEAN as giving empty speeches and declarations which are destroying it. In this cartoon, ASEAN is shown as being helpless in getting help to fulfill what it says in their speeches and declarations. L6 Similarity/difference based on purpose [7] Eg. The motive of Source C is to reassure (action/outcome) the rest of the world and Myanmar (audience) that ASEAN is proactive (impact) in making sure that the cyclone victims in Myanmar are given assistance. The motive of Source D is to condemn (action/outcome) ASEAN (audience) for failing to carry out affirmative actions of what it says and declares and challenges (action/outcome) it to show otherwise (impact). 1 [d] Study Source E. How useful is the source in showing ASEANs commitment to making the organization more effective? Explain your answer. [7 marks] L1 Answer based on provenance only. [1] E.g. It is useful because it comes from the Secretary-General of ASEAN himself. L2 Typicality explained [2]

E.g. This source is not useful because even though he is the Secretary-General of ASEAN who is supposed to represent the organisation, what he says does not necessarily reflect the attitudes of the individual ASEAN nations. L3 Useful/not useful based on source content [3] E.g. Yes, it is useful because in the source it says ASEAN will be effective in doing a good job with regards to the situation in Myanmar. In the source it says Myanmar would be rebuilt, turning the rice bowl of Myanmar into its traditional role as the rice bowl not only of Myanmar but of Southeast Asia. L4 Useful/Not useful with cross-reference to other sources [4-5] 4 marks for 1 cross-reference 5 marks for 2 cross-references E.g. No, Sources A and D show Source E is not useful. Source A shows that ASEAN is not effective as Myanmar has taken advantage of it. Myanmar is destroying ASEAN even though ASEAN still consider it as a member despite of it being destructive. Source B shows that ASEAN is not effective as ASEAN gave a slow response. To the problems in Myanmar caused by the cyclone. In Source D, ASEAN is not effective as ASEAN is being sunk by the flood which is represented by the words EMPTY SPEECHES & DECLARATIONS. ASEAN is not taking concrete action to save itself despite having a loudhailer as can be seen from the cartoon. OR Yes. Source B shows that ASEAN is effective as ASEAN adjusted to the situation and managed to persuade the military government to allow foreign aid into the country. Source C shows that ASEAN is effective as ASEAN pushed through a tri-partite mechanism including ASEAN, the UN and Myanmar government that essentially created a 'diplomatic umbrella' under which an emergency relief operation could operate. L5 Useful And Not useful with cross-reference to other sources [6] E.g. It seems to be useful because it shows that ASEAN is committed in making the organisation more effective, but you cannot believe this because the Secretary-General is making a speech and a declaration which is being watched by many countries around the world. He might want to convince these countries that ASEAN is committed to making the organisation more effective. L6 Useful for what it unconsciously reveals about ASEANs commitment to making the organization more effective [7] E.g. This is a very useful source as it shows the high level of commitment that ASEAN has towards helping Myanmar. Even though the Secretary-General is trying to give a good impression of ASEAN to the rest of the world, those people in Myanmar who are hit by the cyclone may not be happy with just mere words/declaration from him. They may want these words/declaration to be translated into real help for them

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