Q&A Session 240608 List of Questions

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bismillahir rahmanir rahiem

paltalkroom : ilmforall know

paltalk owner: shaykh mohammed al maliki
paltalk nickname: ilmforall1

list of questions that were raised during the question&answer

session of 24/06/08

for the answers please listen

to the audio of 24/6/08
that can be found in this same folder
jazakum allahu khairan

answered by
shayhk mohammed al maliki

question 1:

the masjid in our community is taken the nation to built a

larger facility. those responsible are general muslims and not
on the true manhadj. we are not sure if we can trust that all
the money will be to build a new masjid. is it still incumbent on
us to donate?

question 2:

in a hadith a woman asks the prophet salla allahu alaihi wa

salam: " why are more women in hell?"
and he salla allahu alaihi wa salam replies: "i have not seen
anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you
women." and is it not also true that a women can neither pray
nor fasting during her menses?"
the women replied in the affirmitive. he said: "this is the
deficiency in her religion."
why does the prophet salla allahu alaihi wa salam critisize
women on something they have no control of? what has that to
do with why more women are in hell? allah gave her that as far
as i know. they say the hadith is saheeh but this does not make
sense to me....

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