Database Review

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Bow to Noimalizeu the uata to uploau into the uatabase

. Bow to ue-noimalizeu the uata into the uata waiehouse
. Bow to uownloau the uata fiom the uata waiehouse via 0LAP
. Bata opeiation among the RBBNS, BWS, 0LAP, Bata Nait

Vender I8M n Crac|e
J Netezza verLlca LxadaLa
8, BB @lrd arLy daLabase Cracle 11g
aLa ,arL ognos Platfoim @lrd arLy daLabase Pyperlon

Relationship of RBB-BWS-BN, 0LAP is the view constiuctoi

0LTP uses ER uata moual; 0LAP use Staisnowflake schema

Why neeu BW.
Piocessing 0LAP queiies in opeiational uatabases woulu substantially uegiaue the peifoimance of
opeiational tasks. an opeiational uatabase suppoits the concuiient piocessing of seveial tiansactions.
oncuiiency contiol anu iecoveiy mechanisms, such as locking anu logging, aie iequiieu to ensuie
the consistency anu iobustness of tiansactions. An 0LAP queiy often neeus ieau-only access of uata
iecoius foi summaiization anu aggiegation.

Foi uata waiehouses, the fact constellation schema is commonly
useu since it can mouel multiple, inteiielateu subjects. A uata mait, on the othei hanu, is a uepaitment
subset of the uata waiehouse that focuses on selecteu subjects, anu thus its scope is uepaitment-wiue.
Foi uata maits, the stai oi snowflake schema aie populai since each aie geaieu towaius moueling
single subjects.

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