Group 3 PPT Take2 Final

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Security, Privacy, & Quality 2010

City of Chicago Hospital

Group 3 Suzi Birz Jaimie Bubb Kerry Heinecke Jen Weaver

n Chief

Privacy Officer-Jaimie n Chief Security Officer-Kerry n Chief Quality Officer-Jen n Chief Compliance Officer-Suzi n Investigation Lead -Suzi

Open Investigation
n Privacy

and Security Breach n Hospital Associated Infection n Additional Compliance and Communication Actions

Security Office Report

Privacy Breach

Patients grandmother identified source Neighbor gave her information on a patient Learned of patients hospitalization

Investigation of Breach
n n

Opened investigation Audit & Access logs Uncovered employee who accessed data inappropriately Access report revealed download of 510 records

Verified employee is neighbor of grandmother n Employees access terminated


Investigation of Breach

Network security check

Ran system checks Our systems are intact

Employees security check

Employee misused assigned privileges Security was appropriately assigned

n n

Employee Terminated Notified Chicago Police Department

Breach Notification
n n

HIPAA Requirements Illinois State Law Requirements Alternatives: #1 - Notify just the patients #2 - Notify the patients and media #3 - Notify all parties (patients, media, HHS, IL General Assembly) Recommend: alternative #3

Mitigation of Harm
Steps taken to mitigate harm:
n Determined

extent of disclosure n Return of paper copies n Follow-up with other patients in neighborhood n 1-year subscription for credit monitoring
Monitoring Training

of system

of workforce

Preventing and Detecting

n n n

Proactive monitoring Joint effort between IT and Compliance Office Options: Alternative #1 Alternative #2 Alternative #3 Recommendation alternative #3

Quality Office Report

Chief Quality Officer

n n

Hospital Associated Infection Inappropriate release of internal information Nurse Business Associate (BA) Potential Public Relations Nightmare HAI problem identified 1 year ago No follow-up communication/therefore perceived negligence



n Ensured

hospital scorecard includes the procedures in place for surveillance, detection, reporting of HAI


susceptibility to HAI

n Investigated

patient chart for pre-existing conditions, and found patient is a smoker and is diabetic higher risk patients for HAI


up meeting with patient and patient wife

the hospital scorecard
Public information Documented procedures for prevention

n Share

n Discuss

the health status of Mr. Smith and his susceptibility to infection

Diabetes Smoking

n Billing

Because patient is not Medicare/Medicaid they will be billed for care given while in hospital


in Public Relations department

n Hire

an additional communications expert, specifically for HIT dept n Improve frequency of staff communications
Clinical Managers

n Professional

for Staff

communications to patients/family n HAI prevention n BA training of hospital communication procedures

Add into BAs contract

n Utilize

group of clinicians to lead HAI improvement efforts

research done by BA from year ago, and retrieve current status n Compare past/current HAI rates to determine effectiveness
Implement HIT solution Assess water quality, Medical supplies, and cleaning agents used Educate patient prior to surgical procedures
n Follow-up

in 4 month intervals for next 2 years

Compliance Office Report

Investigation Findings


Review and update guidance documents for: Verifying the information can be released Providing information over the telephone Providing information to law enforcement officials Responding to inquiries about hospital performance Update our training requirements for all independent contractors prior to signing a Business Associate Agreement

Implementing the Audit Program

n n n n n

Select, approve, and implement audit technology tool Develop criteria for the audit reports and for review of the reports Create communicate plan for announcing to management and staff Train Compliance Office staff on reading the Audit Logs Implement the program


n n

The Compliance Office documents: The inquiry call from the nurse that triggered the investigation The investigation The Privacy Breach The Complaint to the CEO from patients wife Human Resources will update the personnel record of the now-former employee The Compliance Office and Health Information will track the unauthorized disclosures

Reinforce Elements of the Code of Conduct

n Quality

of Care n Ethics and Disclosures n Financial Integrity n Accurate Records n Confidentiality n Duty to Report Violations n Protections

Action Items

Action Items and Next Steps

n Employee

Recognition n Breach Notification n Audit Program n Meeting with patient and patients wife n HAI research n Infection prevention communication plan n Training and Awareness

Thank you for your time today.


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