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&/0; vroom's Expectancy Theory"

The Iocus oI Vroom`s 'Expectancy Theory is that an employee`s motivation to complete a task
is inIluenced by their personal views regarding:
1. The probability oI completing the task and
2. The possible outcome or consequence oI completing the task.
Expectancy Theory states that, individuals make decisions, which they believe will lead to
reward or reduce the likelihood oI pain. The ultimate goal does not matter, the important Iactor is
the impact that achieving the goal will have on the individual. An individual`s opinion is Iormed
by a combination oI three Iactors which Vroom categorised as Iollows
1. Expectancy Does the individual believe that they can achieve the task
2. Valence Does the individual believe that completing the task will beneIit them or cause
3. Instrumentality What is the probability oI completing the task leading to an outcome desired
by the individual
1. Expectancy (Subjective Probability)

Expectancy is the individual`s belieI about whether they can achieve the task. This view will be
inIluenced by a number oI things including
- The type oI skills needed Ior the task,
- Support expectations oI co-workers and line managers,
- Type oI equipment/materials and
- Availability oI pertinent inIormation.
Another Iactor inIluencing expectancy is previous experience. II the task has been successIully
completed in the past then expectancy will be high but iI the task has Iailed in the past or was
diIIicult to perIorm then expectancy will be low.
O There is a positive correlation between eIIorts and perIormance,
O avourable perIormance will result in a desirable reward,
O The reward will satisIy an important need,
O The desire to satisIy the need is strong enough to make the eIIort worthwhile

II an individual Ieels that they can achieve the task then expectancy is measured as 1. On the
other hand iI they Ieel that the task can not be completed then expectancy is measured a 0. II the
individual Ieels that the task may be achievable then it will be categorised between 0 and 1.
Eg. A task measured as 0.75 is believed to be more achievable than one measured as 0.45.

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