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llrsL released !une 2011

1ype 1ouch screen SmarLphone Androld
peraLlng sysLem 233
,anufacLurer Samsung LlecLronlcs
9u 1Chz
,emory 312 , 8A,
SLorage 116C
8emovable sLorage up Lo 32 C
aLLery Llpol 13Ah
1alk Llme2C803mlns3C393 mlns
SLandby Llme 2C730 hrs3C376 hrs
lueLooLh 30
,lcrouS 20
Wlll 80211
l, radlo wlLh 8uS
amera 30 ,9no LLu llash
720p vldeo capLure
1he Samsung Ga|axy ls
an Androld SmarLphone LhaL was announced by Samsung ln !une 2011
L feaLures a 1 CPz processor 816 C lnLernal llash memory a 4lnch
480800 plxel capaclLlve Louch screen dlsplay Wlll connecLlvlLy a 3
megaplxels camera and a fronLfaclng 03,9 camera (640x480)
1he Samsung Calaxy S feaLures a 9owerv8 graphlcs processor yleldlng 20
mllllon Lrlangles per second maklng lL Lhe fasLesL graphlcs processlng unlL
ln any smarLphone aL Lhe Llme of release
Also upon release Lhe Calaxy was boLh Lhe flrsL Androld phone Lo be
cerLlfled for ulvxPu and aL 99 mm was Lhe LhlnnesL SmarLphone
1he Calaxy was named Lhe Luropean SmarLphone of Lhe ?ear aL
Lhe Luropean maglng and Sound AssoclaLlon(LSA) Awards 20102011

verall Lhe launch schedule comprlsed launches on 110 carrlers ln 100
counLrles aL Lhe same Llme
onnecLlng Lo a 9 for flle sysLem access requlres chooslng ,ass sLorage
opLlon under SeLLlngsAbouL phoneuS seLLlngs
1he Samsung Calaxy has Lhe S39110 processor 1hls processor comblnes a
43 nm 1 CPz 9u core wlLh a 9owerv8 SCx 340 C9u made by maglnaLlon
1echnologles and ls capable of up Lo 20 mllllon Lrlangles per second
1he Samsung Calaxy has 312 , of dedlcaLed L9uu82 8A, (,oblle uu8)
and 1632 , of neu8A,
Some varlanLs also come wlLh elLher 8C or 16C of nenAnu memory
comblned ln a packageonpackage sLack wlLh Lhe processor
An exLernal mlcroSu card sloL supporLs up Lo 32C of addlLlonal sLorage
1he Samsung Calaxy uses a 1016mllllmeLre (400 ln) Super
A,LLu Louch screen covered by Corllla Class a speclal crack and scraLch
reslsLanL maLerlal
1he screen ls a WvCA 9en1lle dlsplay manufacLured by Samsung
1he Calaxy Lu (C19003) has a 1016mllllmeLre (400 ln) SLu (Super
lear Lu) screen
uSL8 n1L8lAL
1he phone employs Lhe laLesL proprleLary Samsung 1ouch Wlz 30 user
Powever dlfferenL from oLher Androld user lnLerfaces 1ouch Wlz 30
allows users Lo add deleLe and rearrange home screens
1he mosL promlnenL wldgeLs LhaL come wlLh Lhe Calaxy are Lhe ually rleflng
weaLher clock and Lhe uddles now wldgeL
,LuA Su9981
1he Calaxy comes wlLh supporL for many mulLlmedla flle formaLs
lncludlng audlo codecs
W,uA3 x,l)
vldeo codecs (mpeg4P264P263 Sorenson codeculvx Pu/xvluv1) and
vldeo formaLs (3C9(,9LC4)W,v(Advanced SysLems
lormaL)Av(dlvx),v lLv)
1he Androld verslon ls neLwork operaLor dependenL and wlll normally
be upgraded over Lhe alr buL Lhls wlll noL occur when a handseL ls
conflgured for one neLwork operaLor buL operaLed on anoLher neLwork
Samsung ls wllllng Lo freely upgrade Lhose early devlces whlch do noL
updaLe vla les
Androld has Lwo upgrades
Androld 22 upgrade
Androld 23 upgrade
nnL1n 1 9
onnecLlng Lo a 9 for flle sysLem access requlres chooslng ,ass
sLorage opLlon under SeLLlngs AbouL phone uS seLLlngs
AfLer connecLlng Lo a 9 open Lhe noLlflcaLlon bar and Lap 1urn on uS
sLorage Lhen choose ,ounL ln Lhe dlsplayed form
sp|ay and sgn
Ls blg dlsplay ls amazlng because of lLs graphlcs and Super Amled 9lus
dlsplay Lechnology Super A,LLu 9lus dlsplay provlde you greaL dlsplay
for gammlng playlng 3d games waLchlng vldeo lmages Sllm and LlghL
WelghL deslgn can make sLyle and good Lo carry on and easlly used by
9nssng Spd
Ls 12ghz processor and a 1Cb uu8 2 8am provlde you besL performance for
gammlng and apps
,lcrosofL Lxchange AcLlveSync powerful encrypLed hardware apps and
laLesL androld ensure Lhe besL moblle daLa securlLy
,lcrosd SloL can easlly change any mlcrosd card Ls lnLernal memory ls
ullL ln 16 C (32768,) and a ,lcroSu 32C expandable So you
manage more daLa
n Cama
1he fronL camera of 2 mega plxel ls more enough
n|ad Spd
Samsung provlde you besL download speed as a smarL phone Samsung
Calaxy s2 ln 21mbps
mazng 8sng
Ls blg dlsplay androld browser and greaL lnLerneL speed (21mbps) provlde
you pc browslng experlence
8ay L
Ls baLLery llfe ls good
Cama |ash
lronL camera and a flash for rear camera
eLLer performance ln 3C
nlce Pandle grlp
8adlaLlon level comparaLlvely low when compared wlLh oLher Lype of
L has 9roxlmlLy sensor for calllng purpose Lhe screen wlll Lurn off lf we
are on Lhe phone 1hls ls a sorL of power savlng Lo exLend Lhe baLLery llfe
?ou can updaLe Lhe S Lo 234 And whlch ln Lurn can lmprove Lhe baLLery
performance a llLLle
As Lhe Samsung Calaxy ls mosL advanced SmarLphone everyone cannoL
use nly Lhe experlenced person's can use

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