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Name: Class:

Date: Mark:

Test Unit 16-17

1. Translate the sentences!

a) Ära usu Kellyt, ta on Betty poolel.
b) Mike sõimab mind sagely, ma vihkan seda.
c) Lähme pärastlõunal jalutama.
d) Peter saab alati vihaseks kui sa tema asju voted.
e) Kui sa norid teiste kallal, teed sa neile haiget.

2. Finish the sentences according to text about bullies!

Bullies are of …………….. nationalities and the …………….. in different countries.
Every bully has in common that they ………………… others and that they are ……….,
angry and …………. Of themselves. Sometimes children bully …………………….. and
……………………….. Adults bully ………….., students bully ……………….. and ……
……………………… We can always change ………………. And get better, but we must
begin by accepting ……………………. Accept your way ……………………. We are
different in skin ………………., the way we …………….. and ……………., the ………
………………….. we speak, were we ……… and where our families ………………., the
……………….. we wear.

3. Answer the questions and give some extra information!

a) Did anything make you happy this morning? What and how?
b) Do you think, that your parents were happier than you when they were as old as you
are now? Why and how?
c) Would you be happier with more money? Why and how?
d) What usually makes you happy?

4. Complete the sentences with at least 3 different ending that are about you!
I am happy when ……………………………………………………………………..
I think it’s normal when ……………………………………………………………….
I don’t care if …………………………………………………………………………..
I’m sad when ………………………………………………………………………….

5. Translate the phrases into English and make up a sentence!

a) usaldama-
b) kedagi hätta jätma –
c) sõpradeks saama –
d) toime –
e) otsustama midagi –
f) elu- või teenistuskäik –
g) tulevik –
h) nõudepesuvahend –
i) vapustatud olema –
j) sõltumatu, iseseisev –

6. Write down 10 ways, how can you be a better person! (Next page)
Thank you 

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