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A GLOBAL VIEW OF MOBILE ADVERTISING: North America Regional Summary Quarter Ending July 2011

InMobi Mobile Insights - Network Data Release date: August 17, 2011


Project Background After launching in 2007 in Asia, InMobi quickly grew to become the world's largest independent mobile advertising network. In the quarter ending in July of 2011, we served 113 billion impressions in 165 markets worldwide. With a physical presence in 5 continents, over 5,000 publisher partners, and a broad, independent market footprint, InMobi is well positioned to provide an objective, comprehensive, and representative view of the mobile advertising market. Research Objectives We have three goals with this research: 1. Help educate the market. Statistics and information about the state of mobile advertising are lacking in most regions of the world. 2. Track consumer opinions regarding mobile advertising. With any emerging medium, the consumer perspective is critical to overall market success. We see a need for trending across regions in this area. 3. Collaborate with industry thought leaders to increase market insight and improve information quality ongoing. As a global independent company, we value partnerships that will strengthen our understanding of the market. Researchers, thought-leaders, and analysts are encouraged to contact us and apply for full partner access. Contact Information Twitter: @inmobi

Beginning July 2011, InMobi has moved towards quarterly data views which will highlight broader industry trends and provide an overview of the global mobile advertising market.

Specifications Data in this report are sourced from our global mobile advertising network which served 113 billion impressions in the quarter ending in July of 2011. With 165 countries receiving over 1 million impressions monthly, we are able to claim one of the broadest and most representative networks in the world. Exact specifications are as follows: Global Available Impressions during May - July, 2011: 113 billion Regions Represented: Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East, North America, and South America Countries Represented: 165 countries with over 1 million impressions per month Base Measure: Available Impressions Reports: Market Summary, Manufacturer Share, OS Share, and Top Handsets & Connected Devices Time Periods: QE April 2011 (February April 2011), QE July2011 (May- July 2011) Comparisons: QE April 2011 versus QE July 2011 Representation
InMobi is committed to an independent and transparent leadership position in mobile advertising. With that in mind, the following issues are present in this data. Mobile Advertising Market Definition: This report covers mobile display advertising only including both WAP and APP. SMS/Text and Search are NOT included in this synopsis. Scale and Time In Market: Representation within the network is a function of the both scale and time in market. Readers can expect more fluctuation and variance in younger, smaller markets for the company. Publisher Mix: As with any ad network, market representation is a function of the publisher mix. We have over 5,000 publishers of all sizes and content types, but changes to the publisher mix in a given market could impact the data. Advertiser Mix: Similar to publisher mix, the advertiser mix could impact the numbers in our network, although to a much lesser extent than publishers.


North America ad impression growth of 35% outpaces Global ad growth of 22% in the quarter ending July 2011 across the InMobi network.
" InMobi now serves over 20.8 billion impressions per quarter in North America. The volume of mobile impressions in North America signifies the reach mobile devices can offer local, regional and global brands.

Mobile ad growth was mostly driven by smartphones, which grew by 42.6% versus a 13.4% growth among advanced phone ad impressions in QE July.
" Smartphones gained over 4.8 billion impressions over the last quarter and now represent 78% of all mobile ads in the region. With nearly 4 of 5 ads on smartphones in North America, brands have ample opportunity to market effectively through this mass-reach medium.

Available Impression Volume & Composition QE April 2011 Total Smartphone Advanced Mobile Web App 15,466,851,895 11,461,253,994 4,005,597,901 8,008,706,372 7,458,145,523 QE July 2011 20,878,864,162 16,338,381,570 4,540,482,592 10,429,870,433 10,448,993,729 % Chg 35.0% 42.6% 13.4% 30.2% 40.1% Global Development Index n/a 164 37 61 286

50% of ads in North America are now in a native mobile application.

" In-App impressions grew by 40% over the quarter to match the share of Mobile Web impressions in North America. Total impressions are equally distributed across both the Mobile Web and Native Applications.

Source: InMobi Mobile Insights Network Research, QE July 2011

North America OS Share: Quarter Ending July 2011
Available Impressions
11% 5% 7% 35% Android iPhone OS RIM OS Symbian OS Nokia OS 16% Others 26%
OS Android iPhone OS RIM OS Symbian OS Nokia OS Others Impressions 7,331,533,235 5,407,047,476 3,244,071,664 1,493,222,146 1,142,967,655 2,260,021,986 % Share 35.1% 25.9% 15.5% 7.2% 5.5% 11.0% Pt Chg +1.0 -2.4 +2.9 +0.4 +1.6 -3.5 Global Development Index 212 196 208 38 28 n/a

Android remains the top mobile platform in the region by ad impressions and gained 2 billion impressions during the quarter ending in July 2011, while, iPhone OS gained 1 billion impressions.
" Three fourths of all North America ad impressions are delivered across the top three Android, iPhone OS, and RIM operating systems. " Nokia and Symbian OS which are top two global mobile platforms based on ad share, index extremely low in North America with global development indices of 28 and 38 respectively.

Source: InMobi Mobile Insights Network Research, QE July 2011

North America Manufacturer Share: Quarter Ending July 2011
2% 2% 7% 8% 9% 16% 12% 12%

Available Impressions
6% 26% Apple RIM Nokia HTC Samsung Motorola LG Huawei SonyEricsson Others

Manufacturer Apple RIM Nokia HTC Samsung Motorola LG Huawei SonyEricsson Others

Impressions 5,407,047,476 3,244,071,664 2,554,165,736 2,516,597,105 1,954,824,623 1,744,151,418 1,475,092,245 479,518,453 328,756,724 1,174,638,719

% Share 25.9% 15.5% 12.2% 12.1% 9.4% 8.4% 7.1% 2.3% 1.6% 5.6%

Pt Chg -2.4 +2.9 +2.5 -0.1 -1.8 -2.0 +1.0 +0.0 -0.3 +0.2

Global Development Index 196 208 32 240 60 279 171 281 24 n/a

Apple lost -2.4 share points in QE July 2011, regardless, Apple leads the next manufacturer, RIM, by 10.4 share points.
" Among the top five manufacturers in North America, only RIM and Nokia managed to gain share during the QE July 2011. (RIM: +2.9 and Nokia: +2.5 share points) " Due to high smartphone penetration and usage rates in North America, Apple, RIM, HTC, and Motorola considerably overindex in North America when compared with their global share.

Source: InMobi Mobile Insights Network Research, QE July 2011

North America Handset and Connected Device Detail: Quarter Ending July 2011
Handset Apple iPhone Apple iPod RIM BlackBerry 8520 HTC PC36100 RIM BlackBerry 9800 HTC ADR6300 Motorola DroidX Huawei M860 Apple iPad LG LS670 RIM BlackBerry 9700 Motorola Droid 2 RIM BlackBerry 9300 HTC Desire HD Motorola Droid Impressions 2,774,450,081 2,244,239,217 987,057,968 493,670,976 489,637,016 477,022,576 451,190,615 395,995,684 388,358,177 375,052,141 334,670,030 330,336,099 319,478,672 286,679,324 274,514,868 % Share 13.3% 10.7% 4.7% 2.4% 2.3% 2.3% 2.2% 1.9% 1.9% 1.8% 1.6% 1.6% 1.5% 1.4% 1.3% Pt Chg -1.5 -1.1 +1.2 -1.4 +1.7 -0.1 -0.8 -0.0 +0.2 -0.0 +0.2 -0.2 +0.8 +0.6 -0.3 Global Development Index 156 307 165 428 260 434 426 434 159 437 173 427 175 224 428

While both the top two Apple devices lost market share, these devices continue to over-index in the NA when compared with their global share.
" All the top ten devices over-index considerably compared to their global share, underling the unique composition of smartphone devices in the North America mobile eco-system and thus the magnitude of rich-mobile advertising opportunity.

Source: InMobi Mobile Insights Network Research, QE July 2011

North America Summary: Quarter Ending July 2011
Available Impression Volume & Composition QE April 2011 QE July 2011 Total Smartphone Advanced Mobile Web App 15,466,851,895 11,461,253,994 4,005,597,901 8,008,706,372 7,458,145,523 20,878,864,162 16,338,381,570 4,540,482,592 10,429,870,433 10,448,993,729 Top 5 Manufacturers: % Share of Available Impressions % Chg 35.0% 42.6% 13.4% 30.2% 40.1% Apple RIM Nokia HTC Samsung QE April 2011 28.3% 12.6% 9.7% 12.2% 11.2% QE July 2011 25.9% 15.5% 12.2% 12.1% 9.4% Pt. Chg -2.4 +2.9 +2.5 -0.1 -1.8

Top Countries within Region: % Share of Available Impressions QE July 2011 Pt. Chg 73.3% -4.3 USA Canada Mexico 12.5% 12.4% +2.7 +1.6

Top 3 OS Systems: % Share of Available Impressions QE April 2011 Android iPhone OS RIM OS 34.1% 28.3% 12.6% QE July 2011 35.1% 25.9% 15.5% Pt. Chg +1.0 -2.4 +2.9

" InMobi North America network grew by 35% impressions during QE July 2011, mostly driven by smartphones. " Within the region, Canada and Mexico mobile ad growth was faster than in the USA. " Among the top three operating systems, Android gained 1.0 share point and RIM gained 2.9 share points.

Source: InMobi Mobile Insights Network Research, QE July 2011


Available Impressions: The total number of ads requests made to the InMobi network % Share (of Available Impressions): The % of total available impressions in the specified region allocated to the inventory type, device, manufacturer, or OS under analysis. Global Development Index: An index of the % share of the inventory type, device, manufacturer, or OS under analysis in the specified region or country relative to that same inventory type, device, manufacturer, or OS share globally. Regional Development Index: Global Development Index: An index of the % share of the inventory type, device, manufacturer, or OS under analysis in the specified country relative to that same inventory type, device, manufacturer, or OS share in the relevant region. % Chg: The percentage change in absolute value between two different time periods. Pt Chg: The difference between two share percentages for an inventory type, device, manufacturer, or OS under analysis in different time periods.

Smartphone: Any impression served to an iPhone OS, Android OS, RIM OS, webOS, Windows Mobile OS, Linux Smartphone OS, Palm OS, Nokia N & E Series Phones, or Samsung Bada. Advanced: Any impression served to any OS or handset not included in the smart phone definition above. Mobile Web: Any impression served to a user that accesses the internet through a browser on a mobile device. This includes WAP based access. App (Application): Any impressions served to a mobile application resident on the consumer mobile device. Carrier: The mobile network operator (MNO), carrier service provider (CSP), wireless service provider, wireless carrier, or cellular company providing service for mobile phone subscriber served the impression. OS (Operating System): The system software (programs and data) running on the mobile devices that manages the hardware and provides common services for execution of various application software receiving the impression. Handsets and Connected Device: The make and model of the mobile device receiving the impression. Manufacturer: The OEM manufacturer of the mobile device receiving the impression. Other: An aggregation of any remaining impressions not specifically detailed previously. Typically an aggregation of everything under 1% share.

InMobi Regional Definitions:

InMobi defines all regions per Wikipedia with the following modifications: Asia Pacific includes the 15 Oceania countries as listed in Wikipedia. South America includes South & Central Americas as listed in Wikipedia.

This data is part of a series of network reports that are released monthly. Additional regions and markets will be released throughout the quarter. Release Schedule
Once a quarter InMobi will release a full data report which will include global, regional and country data views. The next full release is planned for mid October. Monthly data updates including key information by market will be released via our mailing lists and website. While we move to a quarterly release schedule, we will still continue to releases insightful data on key markets across regions on a monthly basis. These releases will shed light on emerging trends and unique developments specific to those key markets.

Open Source Research: Getting Involved

Objective industry analysts and thought-leaders are encouraged to comment, question, and participate. We will be sure to consider and update the research based on feedback and questions to improve the quality for all end users.

To join our monthly research mailing list, contact us at To download the full reports, visit us at

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