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CCnA ulscovery 40 SemesLer 3 8obb !

lnLroduclng 8ouLlng and SwlLchlng ln Lhe LnLerprlse lrederlck CounLy Career 1ech CenLer

name _______________________________________________________ uaLe ________________

Chapter 1
kead|ng Crgan|zer

After comp|et|on of th|s chapter you shou|d be ab|e to

O uescrlbe an enLerprlse
O ldenLlfy Lrafflc flows Lhrough an enLerprlse and descrlbe Lhe lmporLance of an lnLraneL and
O uescrlbe Lhe dlfferenL Lypes and handllng of Lrafflc ln Lhe enLerprlse
O ueflne Lhe role and lmporLance of a LelecommuLer
O uescrlbe Lhe funcLlon and lmporLance of vns

1 LlsL several common examples of enLerprlse envlronmenLs

a ManufacLurers
b Large reLall sLores
c 8esLauranL and servlce franchlses
d uLlllLles and governmenL agencles
e PopslLals
f school sysLems

2 8uslnesses rely on Lhelr neLwork lnfrasLrucLure Lo provlde mlsslon crlLlcal servlces Lxplaln whaL Lhls
Servlces LhaL a company uses LhaL ln Lhe evenL Lhe neLwork goes down Lhey can lose money wlLhouL
Lhem 1hey need Lo make sure LhaL Lhere ls proper neLwork deslgn Lo prevenL polnLs of fallure

3 WhaL are Lwo feaLures commonly found ln enLerprlse class equlpmenL?

a redundanL power supplles
b fallover capablllLles

4 LlsL Lhe funcLlons of Lhe Access Layer

a rovldes a connecLlon polnL for enduser devlces Lo Lhe neLwork
b Allows mulLlple hosLs Lo connecL Lo oLher hosLs Lhrough a neLwork devlce such as a swlLch
c LxlsLs on Lhe same loglcal neLwork
d lorwards Lrafflc Lo oLher hosLs on Lhe same loglcal neLwork
e asses Lrafflc Lo Lhe ulsLrlbuLlon

CCnA ulscovery 40 SemesLer 3 8obb !ones
lnLroduclng 8ouLlng and SwlLchlng ln Lhe LnLerprlse lrederlck CounLy Career 1ech CenLer

3 LlsL Lhe funcLlons of Lhe ulsLrlbuLlon Layer

a rovldes a connecLlon polnL for separaLe local neLworks
b ConLrols Lhe flow of lnformaLlon beLween local neLworks
c Lnsures LhaL Lrafflc beLween hosLs on Lhe same local neLwork sLays local
d asses on Lrafflc LhaL ls desLlned for oLher neLworks
e lllLers lncomlng and ouLgolng Lrafflc for securlLy and Lrafflc managemenL purposes
f ConLalns more powerful swlLches and rouLers Lhan Lhe Access Layer
g asses daLa Lo Lhe Core Layer for dellvery Lo a remoLe neLwork lf Lhe local neLwork ls noL
dlrecLly connecLed

6 LlsL Lhe funcLlons of Lhe Core Layer

a rovldes a hlghspeed backbone layer wlLh redundanL connecLlons
b 1ransporLs large amounLs of daLa beLween mulLlple end neLworks
c lncludes very powerful hlghspeed swlLches and rouLers

7 Lxplaln Lhe followlng Lerms

a LnLerprlse Campus ConslsLs of Lhe campus lnfrasLrucLure wlLh server farms and neLwork

b LnLerprlse Ldge ConslsLs of Lhe lnLerneL vn and WAn modules connecLlng Lhe enLerprlse
wlLh Lhe servlce provlders neLwork

c Servlce rovlder Ldge rovldes lnLerneL ubllc SwlLched 1elephone neLwork (S1n) and
WAn servlces

8 All daLa LhaL enLers or exlLs Lhe LCnM passes Lhrough an edge devlce Lxplaln ln deLall whaL ls Laklng
place here
lL ls Lhe polnL LhaL all packeLs are examlned and Lhe declslon ls made LhaL Lhe packeL should be allowed
on Lhe neLwork lnLruslon deLecLlon sysLems and lnLruslon prevenLlon sysLems can also be conflgured
aL Lhe edge Lo prevenL mallclous acLlvlLy

9 Lxplaln ln deLall whaL a fallure domaln ls
lL's Lhe area of a neLwork LhaL ls lmpacLed when a key devlce or servlce experlences problems lL ls
dependenL on whaL parL of Lhe neLwork ls down wlLh how blg Lhe domaln ls

Comp|ete acket 1racer Act|v|ty 112 Instructor In|t|a|s _______________

CCnA ulscovery 40 SemesLer 3 8obb !ones
lnLroduclng 8ouLlng and SwlLchlng ln Lhe LnLerprlse lrederlck CounLy Career 1ech CenLer

10 LlsL Lhe feaLures of a LAn

a 1he organlzaLlon has Lhe responslblllLy of lnsLalllng and managlng Lhe lnfrasLrucLure
b LLherneL ls Lhe mosL common Lechnology used
c 1he focus of Lhe neLwork ls ln Lhe Access and ulsLrlbuLlon layers
d 1he LAn connecLs users provldes supporL for locallzed appllcaLlons and server farms
e ConnecLed devlces are usually ln Lhe same local area such as a bulldlng or a campus

11 LlsL Lhe feaLures of a WAn

a ConnecLed slLes are usually geographlcally dlspersed
b ConnecLlvlLey Lo Lhe WAn requlres a devlce such as a modem or CSu/uCS Lo puL Lhe daLa ln a
form accepLable Lo Lhe neLwork of Lhe servlce provlder
c Servlces are provlded by an lS WAn servlces lnclude 11/13 L1/L3 uSL Cable lrame relay
and A1M
d 1he lS has Lhe responslblllLy of lnsLalllng and managlng Lhe lnfrasLrucLure
e Lhe edge devlces modlfy Lhe LherneL encapsulaLlon Lo a serlal WAn encapsulaLlon

12 Label Lhe followlng Lerms as belonglng Lo elLher a LAn or WAn

___WAn_ lrame 8elay
___LAn__ 100Mb u1
___WAn_ 11/L1
___WAn_ Servlces provlded by lS
___LAn__ Access Layer
___WAn_ C
___LAn__ Servlces provlded by enLerprlse
___LAn__ LLherneL
___LAn__ ulsLrlbuLlon Layer swlLches
___WAn_ CSu/uSu
___WAn_ A1M

13 Lxplaln whaL an lnLraneL ls and how ls lL used?
lL ls a prlvaLe neLwork LhaL provldes access for local and remoLe employees uslng LAn and WAn
Lechnologles 1hey can have llnks Lo Lhe lnLerneL buL flrewalls would conLrol Lhe Lrafflc LhaL enLers and
exlLs Lhe lnLraneL

14 An lnLraneL LhaL allows exLernal connecLlons Lo suppllers and conLracLors ls an exLraneL Lxplaln
whaL advanLage Lhls offers?
lL allows vendors access Lo lnformaLlon LhaL for prlclng buL can'L be accessed by regular people

CCnA ulscovery 40 SemesLer 3 8obb !ones
lnLroduclng 8ouLlng and SwlLchlng ln Lhe LnLerprlse lrederlck CounLy Career 1ech CenLer

13 When deLermlnlng how Lo deslgn Lhe neLwork lL ls lmporLanL Lo conslder Lhe amounL of Lrafflc
desLlned for a speclflc locaLlon and where LhaL Lrafflc mosL ofLen orlglnaLes WhaL Lrafflc should
remaln local Lo users on Lhe neLwork?

a llle sharlng
b rlnLlng
c lnLernal 8ackup and mlrrorlng
d lnLracampus volce

16 ldenLlfy and label Lhe flow paLLern as elLher belng LAn WAn or LxLernal Lrafflc

___LAn________ llle Sharlng
___Lx1________ vn
___LAn________ rlnLlng
___WAn_______ SysLem updaLe
___WAn_______ Cnllne 1ransacLlon rocesslng
___LAn________ lnLercampus volce
___Lx1________ lnLerneL 1rafflc
___Lx1________ CffslLe uaLa 8ackup and 8ecovery
___LAn________ lnLernal 8ackup and 8esLore CperaLlons
___WAn_______ Company Lmall

17 LnLerprlse neLworks musL supporL Lhe buslness enLerprlse by allowlng Lrafflc from a varleLy of
appllcaLlons lrom Lhe llsL below clrcle Lhe Lwo opLlons LhaL offer secure access for lnLraneL Lrafflc?

uaLabase LransacLlon processlng
Malnframe or daLa cenLer access
llle and prlnL sharlng
Web servlces
Lmall and oLher communlcaLlons
vn servlces
volce calls and volcemall
vldeo and vldeo conferenclng

Comp|ete Lab Act|v|ty 122

18 WhaL proLocol ls daLa Lrafflc mosL llkely Lo use and why?
1C 1ransmlsslon ConLrol roLocol
1C uses acknowledgmenLs Lo deLermlne when losL packeLs musL be reLransmlLLed and Lherefore
guaranLees dellvery AlLhough lL lncurs a delay

CCnA ulscovery 40 SemesLer 3 8obb !ones
lnLroduclng 8ouLlng and SwlLchlng ln Lhe LnLerprlse lrederlck CounLy Career 1ech CenLer


19 WhaL proLocol ls volce or vldeo Lrafflc mosL llkely Lo use and why?
uu user daLagram roLocol uu does noL reLransmlL losL packeLs Lherefore mlnlmlzes delays

20 Lxplaln ln deLall whaL causes laLency
lL ls caused by neLworklng devlces LhaL need Lo process Lhe Lrafflc on lLs paLh Lo lLs desLlnaLlon

21 Lxplaln Lhe Lerm [lLLer?
lLs caused by neLwork congesLlon and ls Lhe varlaLlon ln Llme of Lhe packeLs arrlvlng aL Lhelr desLlnaLlon

22 1elecommuLers need varlous Lools Lo work efflclenLly Some avallable Leleworker Lools are llsLed
below Lxplaln each Lerm

a Lmall LlecLronlc mall uellvers a wrlLLen message Lo a remoLe user for reply and response aL
a laLer Llme

b ChaL uellvers a wrlLLen message Lo a user ln real Llme for reply and response lmmedlaLely

c AppllcaLlon sharlng Allows mulLlple users Lo vlew Lhe same appllcaLlon slmulLaneously

d l1 llle 1ransfer roLocol 1ransfers flles beLween compuLers

e 1elneL ConnecLs and sLarLs a Lermlnal sesslon on a remoLe devlce

f vol volce over l Allows real Llme volce communlcaLlons beLween users over Lhe lnerneL

g vldeo conferenclng Allows users Lo communlcaLe faceLoface over vldeo wlLh parLlclpanLs
aL mulLlple locaLlons


CCnA ulscovery 40 SemesLer 3 8obb !ones
lnLroduclng 8ouLlng and SwlLchlng ln Lhe LnLerprlse lrederlck CounLy Career 1ech CenLer

24 Cne obsLacle LhaL Leleworkers musL overcome ls Lhe facL LhaL mosL of Lhe Lools avallable for worklng
remoLely are noL secure WhaL ls a secure alLernaLlve Lo 1elneL?
vlrLual rlvaLe neLworks

23 WhaL Lool ls used Lo encrypL all Lrafflc movlng beLween remoLe slLes and Lhe enLerprlse neLwork?

26 Cne of Lhe mosL common encapsulaLlng proLocols for vns ls lSec whlch ls shorL for l SecurlLy WhaL
servlces does Lhls sulLe of proLocols provlde?

a uaLa encrypLlon

b lnLegrlLy valldaLlon

c eer AuLhenLlcaLlon

d key ManagmenL

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