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Level 3 Proficiency: HDR

Shooting HDR adds depth to your photograph, by taking 3 shots of the EXACT same image at different exposures and then merging them together.

Part 1: Shooting

Step #1 Setting up the shot: You must use a tripod while taking the pictures or the image will not come out correctly. Some people suggest using the timer on the camera to take them so your finger doesnt make the camera move at all. The first thing you must do is to make sure the camera is set to the multiple shooting mode. Next you must change the quality that the camera will shoot so the image comes out with the highest quality. Switch the quality to one of the LARGE qualities. Step #3: exposure: Next you will change the exposure settings on the camera. You want to have a total of 3 images. One that is under exposed, one with normal exposure, and one over exposed. Use the dial on the top off the camera. Roll it to the right until the AEB setting looks like the image below:

Step #4 Shooting the Scene: The school cameras make it easy to take the picture. Once you have it set up like this, take 3 pictures by pressing the button 3 times fast. The camera automatically takes 1 picture under exposed, normal, and over exposed. Once you upload your pictures open Adobe Photoshop Cs5. Step #5 Photoshop: Once Photoshop is open go to File-Automate-Merge to HDR pro. Select your 3 pictures and press open. Step #6 Adjusting the Photo: The next step is where you can dramatically change the appearance of the image. You will want to change the image to 8-bit. And mess around with your detail, gamma, exposure, etc until you are satisfied with your photo. Examples: Dan Tatmans example of the 3 originals and final are below:

I would like you to complete 4 HDR scenes. Landscapes and photos of objects work the best, not portraits of people.

Step 3: Grading

Put photos in order and batch rename photos and conference for grade. I would like to see ORIGINAL photos as well as the completed HDR, so there should be 16 photos in all.

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