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Encryption and Firewalls

Chapter 7
Learning Objectives
Understand the role encryption plays in
firewall architecture
Know how digital certificates work and
why they are important security tools
Analyze the workings of SSL, PGP, and
other popular encryption schemes
Enable Internet Protocol Security (IPSec)
and identify its protocols and modes

Process of encoding and decoding

information to:
 Preserve its integrity
 Maintain privacy
 Ensure identity of users participating in the
encrypted data session
Why Firewalls Need to Use

Hackers take advantage of a lack of

 Preserves data integrity
 Increases confidentiality
 Is relied upon by user authentication
 Plays a fundamental role in enabling VPNs
Hackers Take Advantage of a
Lack of Encryption
Hackers Take Advantage of a
Lack of Encryption
The Cost of Encryption
CPU resources and time
Bastion host that hosts the firewall should be
robust enough to manage encryption and other
security functions
Encrypted packets may need to be padded to
uniform length to ensure that some algorithms
work effectively
Can result in slowdowns
Monitoring can burden system administrator
Preserving Data Integrity

Even encrypted sessions can go wrong as a

result of man-in-the-middle attacks
Encryption can perform nonrepudiation
using a digital signature
Maintaining Confidentiality

Encryption conceals information to render it

unreadable to all but intended recipients
Authenticating Network Clients
Firewalls need to trust that the person’s claimed
identity is genuine
Firewalls that handle encryption can be used to
identify individuals who have “digital ID cards”
that include encrypted codes
 Digital signatures
 Public keys
 Private keys
Enabling VPNs

As an integral part of VPNs, encryption:

 Enables the firewall to determine whether the
user who wants to connect to the VPN is
actually authorized to do so
 Encodes payload of information to maintain
Digital Certificates and Public and
Private Keys
Digital certificate
 Electronic document that contains a digital signature
(encrypted series of numerals and characters), which
authenticates identity of person sending certificate
 Basis of digital certificates and signatures
 Enable holders of digital certificates to encrypt
communications (using their private key) or decrypt
communications (using sender’s public key)
Digital Certificates

Transport encrypted codes (public and

private keys) through the firewall from one
host to another
Help ensure identity of the individual who
owns the digital certificate
Provide another layer of security in firewall
Aspects of Digital Certificates

Establishment of an infrastructure for

exchanging public and private keys
Need to review and verify someone’s digital
Difference between client- and server-based
digital certificates
The Private Key Infrastructure
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
 Publicly available database that holds names of
users and digital certificates
Public-Key Infrastructure (PKI)
 Enables distribution of digital certificates and
public and private keys
 Underlies many popular and trusted security
schemes (eg, PGP and SSL)
Viewing a Digital Certificate
Viewing a Digital Certificate
Types of Digital Certificates a
Firewall Will Encounter

Client-based digital certificates

 Obtained by users from a Certification
Authority (CA), which issues them and vouches
for owner’s identity
Server-based digital certificates
 Issued by a CA to a company that issues them
to individuals

Value generated by an algorithm that can

also be processed by an algorithm to
encrypt or decrypt text
Length of the key determines how secure
the level of encryption is
Aspects of Keys That Pertain to
Firewall-Based Encryption

Public and private keys

Need to generate public keys
Need to securely manage private keys
Need to use a key server either on network
or Internet
Differences between private and public key
Public and Private Keys

Private key
 Secret code generated by an algorithm
 Never shared with anyone
Public key
 Encoded information generated when private
key is processed by the same algorithm
 Can be exchanged freely with anyone online
A Public Key Generated by PGP
An Encrypted Communication
Choosing the Size of Keys
Generating Keys
Managing Keys

Manual distribution
Use of a CA
Use of a Key Distribution Center (KDC)
Using a Key Server That Is on
Your Network
Using an Online Key Server
Analyzing Popular Encryption

Symmetric key encryption

Asymmetric key encryption
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
Symmetric Encryption

Use of only one key to encrypt information,

rather than a public-private key system
 Same key is used to encrypt/decrypt a message
 Both sender and recipient must have same key
Not scalable
Symmetric Key Encryption
Asymmetric Encryption
Uses only one user’s public key and private key to
generate unique session keys that are exchanged
by users during a particular session
 Only the private key must be kept secret
Scales better than symmetric encryption
 Slower
 Only a few public key algorithms are available (eg,
RSA and EIGamal) that are secure and easy to use for
both encryption and key exchange
Asymmetric Key Encryption

Hybrid system that combines advantages of

asymmetric (scalability) and symmetric
(speed) encryption systems
 File/message is encrypted
 Session key is encrypted using public key half of
asymmetric public-private key pair
 Recipient of encrypted message uses his/her private key
to decode the session key
 Session key is used to decode message/file
Encryption schemes used to generate public and
private key pairs
 Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) encryption
 Diffie-Hellman encryption
Using PGP
Using PGP

Standard set of specifications for

assembling and formatting digital
certificates and encrypting data within them
A commonly used type of PKI
Widely used and well trusted
X.509 and PGP Compared

 Perception of trust
 Does not make use of the CA concept
 Gives users ability to wipe files from hard disk
(and delete permanently)
 Available both in freeware and commercial
X.509 and PGP Compared

Secure way to transmit data

Uses both symmetric and asymmetric keys
 Asymmetric keys start an SSL session
 Symmetric keys are dynamically generated for
the bulk of the transfer
Using Internet Protocol Security
(IPSec) Encryption

Creates a secure IP connection between two

Operates under the Application layer
Transparent to users
Understanding IPSec

Set of standards and software tools that

encrypt IP connections between computers
Allows a packet to specify a mechanism for
authenticating its origin, ensuring data
integrity, and ensuring privacy
Modes of IPSec

Transport mode
Tunnel mode
Choice depends on type of network and
whether it uses NAT
Transport Mode

IPSec authenticates two computers that

establish a connection
Can optionally encrypt packets
Does not use a tunnel
Tunnel Mode

IPSec encapsulates IP packets and can

optionally encrypt them
Encrypts packet headers rather than the data
Incompatible with NAT
IPSec Protocols

Authentication Header (AH)

Encapsulation Security Payload (ESP)
Authentication Header (AH)

Adds a digital signature to packets to

protect against repeat attacks, spoofing, or
other tampering
Verifies that parts of packet headers have
not been altered between client and IPSec-
enabled host
Incompatible with NAT
Encapsulation Security Payload
More robust than AH;
encrypts data part of
packets as well as the
confidentiality and
message integrity
Can cause problems
with firewalls that use
Components of IPSec
Two modes: transport and tunnel
Two protocols: AH and ESP
IPSec driver
Internet Key Exchange (IKE)
Internet Security Association Key Management
Protocol (ISAKMP)
IPSec Policy Agent
Choosing the Best IPSec Mode
for Your Organization
Choosing the Best IPSec Mode
for Your Organization

ESP plus tunnel mode provides best level of

 ESP conceals IP header information
 Tunnel mode can both encapsulate and encrypt
Enabling IPSec
Select group policy security setting for computers
that need to communicate with enhanced security
 Define at group policy level in Windows 2000
 Define at local policy level if not in Windows 2000
Predefined IPSec policy levels in Windows 2000
or XP:
 Client (Respond only)
 Server (Request Security)
 Secure Server (Require Security)
Defining IPSec Policy at Local
Policy Level
Limitations of IPSec
If machine that runs IPSec-compliant software has
been compromised, communications from that
machine cannot be trusted
Encrypts IP connection between two machines—
not the body of e-mail messages or content of
other communications
Not an end-to-end security method
Authenticates machines, not users
Doesn’t prevent hackers from intercepting
encrypted packets
Chapter Summary
How and why encryption is used in a network
How to use encryption to complement the
firewall’s activities
Encryption applications
 IPSec
Schemes that can form part of a firewall

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