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St. Paul Lutheran School

OCTOBER 24, 2011

What is happening this week?

Jesus Time ... One of the leaders that God gave the children of Israel was Samson. God used some of the poor choices that Samson made for the good of the children of Israel. We will also talk about Hannahs prayer for a son and how God answered her prayer. Language ... more alphabet activities; adding s to action words and hearing the two sounds that it makes at the end of the word; declarative sentences; writing a fall story based on the book Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You Hear? Science ... we will look at the forest and one of Gods special creatures that lives there! Math ... nding the missing parts of 8 and 9 and using what we know about parts and wholes and writing a subtraction sentence.

Just a little pile up on the slide!

I will be walking at the Austin support. My husband has been a JDRF Walk o n diabetic since he was 18 years old. Living with this disease everyday is difcult and challenging! Finding a cure for this disease would be an answer to many prayers! Your support will make a difference in the lives of the many people living Sunday, October 30! I would love with this disease! to have your nancial support to help me meet my goal! Please let me know if I can count on your

Friday our blogging buddies are coming for a visit! :D

Ready! Get set! Go!

Look at those smiles!

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