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Marking Scheme for the Descriptive Essay 10th form Analytical Criteria Content Descriptors Organisation and Cohesion

ion Covering all points (5p) Meeting length requirements (2p) Development of ideas (3p) Paragraphing (1p) Linking devices (1p) Mechanics (punctuation) (1p) Range of vocabulary (3p) Appropriacy of vocabulary (2p) Range of structures (3p) Accuracy of grammar (2p) adequacy of vocabulary (formal/informal) (1p) adequacy of structures (formal/informal) (1p) Grading Levels 5 excellent achievement 4 good achievement 3 adequate achievement 2 limited achievement 1 poor achievement 5 excellent achievement 4 good achievement 3 adequate achievement 2 limited achievement 1 poor achievement 5 excellent achievement 4 good achievement 3 adequate achievement 2 limited achievement 1 poor achievement 5 excellent achievement 4 good achievement 3 adequate achievement 2 limited achievement 1 poor achievement Task Observations (according to syllabus) descriptive essay Describing persons/places/events/objects

Ascribing the whole description to an engendering idea

Structures and Vocabulary

Sequence of tenses Consistency in using tenses

Register and Style


NB: The 25 points in the descriptors will be multiplied by two.

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