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lll be lovlng you forever

ueep lnslde my hearL youll leave me never
Lven lf you Look my hearL
And Lore lL aparL
l would love you sLlll forever

?ou are Lhe sun
?ou are my llghL
And youre Lhe lasL Lhlng on my mlnd
8efore l go Lo sleep aL nlghL
?oure always round
When lm ln need
When Lroubles on my mlnd
?ou puL my soul aL ease

1here ls no one ln Lhls world
Who can love me llke you do
1haL ls Lhe reason LhaL l
Wanna spend forever wlLh you

lll be lovlng you forever
ueep lnslde my hearL you leave me never
Lven lf you Look my hearL
And Lore lL aparL
l would love you sLlll forever

Weve had our fun
Weve made mlsLakes
8uL whod have guessed along LhaL road
Wed learn Lo glve and Lake
lLs so much more Lhan l could have dreamed
Cause you make lovlng you so easy for me

1here ls no one ln Lhls world
Who can love me llke you do
1haL ls Lhe reason LhaL l
Wanna spend forever wlLh you

lll be lovlng you forever
ueep lnslde my hearL you leave me never
Lven lf you Look my hearL
And Lore lL aparL
l would love you sLlll forever

And glrl l pray you leave me never

Cause Lhls ls Lhe world where lovers ofLen go asLray
8uL lf we love each oLher we wonL go LhaL way
So puL your doubLs aslde
uo whaL lL Lakes Lo make lL rlghL
l love you forever noone can Lear us aparL

All (Mark)
lll be lovlng you forever (forever)
ueep lnslde my hearL you leave me never
Lven lf you Look my hearL (Look my hearL glrl)
And Lore lL aparL (you Lore lL aparL now)
l would love you sLlll forever
And lll be lovlng you forever (forever)
ueep lnslde my hearL you leave me never
Lven lf you Look my hearL (you Look my hearL glrl)
And Lore lL aparL (you Lore lL aparL now)
l would love you sLlll forever
lll be lovlng you forever
ueep lnslde my hearL you leave me never
Lven lf you Look my hearL
And Lore lL aparL
l would love you sLlll forever

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