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Connectors of Sequence

Connectors of sequence show the order in which events happened. The most widely used are: first, then, next, after that, finally, first of all, by the time, eventually, at last, at the end, before, after and later. First of all, we couldnt have a shower because there was no hot water. By the time, we were ready, it was too late to eat. Eventually, we took the train to town. At last, we got to the park but it was very late. At the end, we only had time for a quick game. 1. Put the sentences in the correct order to make a paragraph a. By the time we found out, there were no tables available. b. First of all, we wanted to book a table, but we didnt know for what time. c. Eventually, we picked another restaurant, but then Dad rang and said he couldnt get home before 10 oclock. d. Last week, we planned to take our dad to a restaurant.

2. Complete the paragraph with the correct connectors. EVENTUALLY IN THE END FIRST OF ALLL Last weekend, we went camping on the beach. 1______________, it started to rain. Then there was a strong wind and our things flew everywhere. We were cold and wet. 2. _______________, the storm ended, but our sleeping bags were wet and dirty. 3. _________________, we decided to spend the night at home. We were happy to be warm and dry.

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