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With MyDocument you could upload,download, and share your document anytime, anywhere and any device. The only thing you need is MyDocument Account, MyDocument Plugin, and Office Processor. The application we build is based on Infrastructure as Service, and the type is Hybird Cloud, because we do use another Cloud Server to host our application, database, and document.

1) MyDocument Account 2) MyDocument Plugin 3) Office Processor a) Nice Office (Blackberry, Windows Mobile, Android, Symbian) b) QuickOffice (iPad, iPhone, Android, Symbian) c) Microsoft Office for Mac (Mac) d) Microsoft Office (PC) e) OpenOffice (Linux, Mac, PC)

Platform 1) Unix Server (OpenBSD / FreeBSD) 2) Web Server (Apache) 3) Language (PHP Zend Optimizer) 4) Database Server (MySQL) Infrastructure 1) Xen Hypervisor 2) 4 Virtual CPUs 3) Storage RAID-10 640Gb 4) 8Gb Memory 5) Shared IPs

Bias Tegaralaga (30209149) Arya Wijaya (30209116)

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