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God Floods the Earth God keeps his promises. Genesis 7:1-8:22; 9:8-16 DISCUSSION 1.

Genesis 7:4 God told Noah He was going to flood the earth after 7 days! 2. Genesis 7:2-3 God told Noah to load the boat with 7 of every clean thing and 2 of every unclean thing. 3. Genesis 7:10 God followed through with what He said and flooded the earth after 7 days. 4. Genesis 7:19-22 God flooded and destroyed every living thing. Noah's people he knew even some of his family and all the animals. 1. 1 cubit = 1.5 feet 15 cubits = 22.5 feet 5. Genesis 8:1-20 For 150 years the ark was at sea before the land dried up. APPLICATION 6. Genesis 9:89:16 God establishes a covenant with Noah and mankind that He Keeping promises to people shows good Character! will never flood the earth again. He sealed that with rainbow to remind us that He will Keeping promises to people brings glory to God! never flood the earth again. Keeping Promises to people makes you a reliable God keeps His promises! I can guarantee that when person. God says I WILL He will! When God says that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord Keeping promises can open doors to the Lost to shall be saved. He will be saved! When God says I witness to them! They will want what you want! will never leave you nor forsake you. He means it! When God (Jesus ) says he will be coming back to Promises is not procrastination! judge the world in righteousness you better believe He will! When God (Jesus) says that no can get to Promises are not made to be broke! heaven but by Me. He means it! Promises that are broken will break relationships! There are thousands of promises spoken by God in the Word of God and I can guarantee you that every Promises that are broken will destroy your one of them has and will come to pass! God keeps character! His promises and if He didn't He would not be God! Luke 6:31 And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.

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