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Sonla 8oy

Medla Sound Pomework

Sound ls a very lmporLanL aspecL ln fllm edlLlng uurlng Lhe process of
producLlon sound ls edlLed Lo sulL Lhe scenarlo Lhls ls because sound plays a
blg role ln maklng a scene successful 1here ls dlegeLlc nondlegeLlc and exLra
dlegeLlc sounds Sound ls very lmporLanL ln 1v dramas because lL creaLes a
mood lL varles for Lhe dlfferenL genres noLlce all 1v dramas have a
background score LhaL creaLes a Lone for LhaL parLlcular scene lor example
durlng a serlous scene ln a hosplLal drama you may hear a Lyplcal hearL beaL ln
Lhe background whlch ls llke a convenLlon and whaL Lhe audlence wlll know
whaL Lo expecL Some 1v dramas also have LlLle sequences and lconlc Lunes
whlch become Lhelr slgnaLure Lune people sLarL Lo recognlse Lhe drama wlLh
Lhe help of Lhe Lune wlLhouL even waLchlng lL
ulegeLlc Sound
ulegeLlc sound ls whaL us audlence hear as well as Lhe characLers lL ls Lhe
acLual sounds LhaL occur durlng everyday llfe and whaL we expecL Lo hear for
example people Lalklng dlalogues eLc eLc lor example ln Lhe movle 'LosL' Lhe
sound of people screamlng ln Lhe background and rusLllng ln Lhe bushes are
dlegeLlc sounds lL ls whaL we would expecL Lo hear lL LhaL slLuaLlon 1hls
aspecL ls very lmporLanL Lo make a scene seem reallsLlc

non ulegeLlc Sound
non dlegeLlc sound are sounds LhaL only Lhe audlence can hear and noL Lhe
characLers lf we puL yourself ln Lhe characLers show you won'L be able Lo hear
Lhese elemenLs lor example nondlegeLlc sounds are volce overs background
score Lheme Lune sound effecLs nondlegeLlc sound helps make a scene
more lnLeresLlng and grabs Lhe audlence lL can also help bulld suspense llke ln
a Lhrlller of a mysLery drama Lhe sound effecL ln Lhe background helps bulld
Lenslon and also creaLe a mood lL keeps Lhe audlence lnLeresLed Also ln some
movles or 1v dramas such as desperaLe housewlves Lhere ls a volce over aL Lhe
sLarL whlch glves background lnformaLlon abouL LhaL eplsode or a Leachlng
1he LlLle sequence of uocLor who ls also non ulegeLlc hL sound as become so
lconlc LhaL everyone recognlses Lhe Lune of lL nowadays
Sonla 8oy

LxLra ulegeLlc sound
LxLra dlegeLlc sounds are sounds LhaL we expecL Lo hear buL Lhe volume ls
lncreased dellberaLely durlng producLlon Lo emphasls someLhlng lor example
Lhe sound of waves clashlng on a boaL or a car screechlng durlng a car chase ls
remarkable louder Lhan lL would be ln acLual llfe LxLra dlegeLlc sound ls used
Lo emphasls a parLlcular sound lor example ln Lhe movle 'LosL' Lhe sound of
waLer splashlng was exLra dlegeLlc durlng producLlon Lhe sound of Lhe waLer
was purposely made louder Lhan usual Lo exaggeraLe lL AnoLher example ls ln
acLlon fllms durlng car chases exLra dlegeLlc sound ls used Lo exaggeraLe Lhe
sound of cars screechlng Lhls helps creaLe a Lone of Lhe fllm and also keeps Lhe
audlence lnLeresLed and aL Lhe edge of Lhelr seaLs

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