Narrative Theory Homework

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Sonia Roy

Narrative Theory
Vladimir Propp: 7 character theory:
Villain: the person who struggles against the hero The donor: Person who prepares or provides the hero with some kind of magical power or objects which help them complete their quest. Mentor: He guides and teaches the hero Helper: who supports and helps the hero through the journey (often acts as sidekick) The Heroine: The heroine who marries the hero. Represent the prize for the hero Her Father: Authority figure who rewards the hero after he has completed the quest The hero: who can also be the victim; he reacts to the donor and marries the princess.

Tzvetan Todorov: Equilibrium Theory

It consists of five stages: ~A state of equilibrium (everything as it should be) ~Disruption of that order happens due to an event ~Recognition that this disorder has occurred ~Attempt to repair the damage of the disruption ~New equilibrium created

Claude Levi Strauss- Binary Opposition

Describes how each main force in a narrative also has an equal opposition light/dark good/evil noise/silence youth/age

right/wrong poverty/wealth strength/weakness inside/outside

Sonia Roy

Roland Barthes: Enigma code

~The Proairetic Code: action or event that indicates something is going to happen. It helps build tension. ~The Hermeneutic Code: The element of a narrative that is not fully explained and remains as a mystery. The full truth is not revealed to the audience. ~The Semantic Code: the connotations of the narrative that gives a message or additional meaning to the denotations. ~The Symbolic Code: Similar to semantic code but looks into more depth. Broader and deeper meanings. ~The Cultural Code: Cannot be challenged, it is assumed to be the foundation of truth for example; religion or science. What we would expect to happen, typical elements and clichs.

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