SEA Investigations Workshop Session 3 Overview of Investigations

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Overview of Investigation s

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F r Why should we have a protocols for complaints m and investigations? e w o r k t o a

M o d e l C o m p l a i n

IASC Task Force on Protection from SEA

T o s p e c i f y s t e


B e n e f i c i a r i e s

Benefits of Implementing and Following Procedures

E x e c u t i v e S u m m

Contents of the Model Complaints & Investigation document

First, lets explore

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Risk, vulnerability, and barriers to making a complaint

What are the risk factors for SEA? Who is vulnerable to SEA?

What are the risk factors for SEA? Who is vulnerable to Poverty andSEA? dependence
Age Gender Dependence = vulnerability to SEA

Some specific groups may be at higher risk; e.g.,

Single female heads of household

F e a r o f r e p r i s

Barriers to making a complaint

C u l t u r a l i s s u e

Barriers to making a complaint (contd)

I s o l a t i o n , l a c

Barriers to making a complaint (contd)

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Key Principles for Receiving Complaints and Conducting Investigations

P C l o a n n f n i i d n e g n t a i n a d l i r t

Key principles

Principles Case Study

S m a l l g r o u p s K

Principles case study


I n v e s t i g a t i n g

Basic rules (principles) of conducting an investigation

Stages of an Investigation


R e c Stages e i v e a l l e g a

of investigations

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