Ans 2

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Ans 2: Ior hiring store manager, waiter and waitress and pizza maker diIIerent kind oI structured

interview Iorm can be used which are describing below:

In case oI selecting a store manager, the organization can Iollow both the situational and
behavioral interview. Because we know that ' situational interview means a structured interview
in which the interviewer describe a situation likely to arise on the job, then asks the candidates
what he or she would do in the situation. As Iar we seen that in Angelo`s pizza sometimes Iace
'cash stealing problem, so Ior selecting a new store manager Angelo`s pizza have to describe a
situation like that and see how he or she will handle sealing problem. By doing that, it`s possible
to know, how much that persons are experienced also. As we know that Angelo`s pizza Iacing
'high labor turnover problem, so in case oI selecting manager the organization have to consider
how much he or she eIIicient to handle this problem. And the organization can understand his
eIIiciency by taking situational interview. Sometimes it also important to know how much a
store manager are 'Ilexible in their work like, because oI high labor turnover, manger oIten
ended up working seven days a week,10 to 12 hours a day, so what he or she will do iI any
situation will occur like that. The organization can also select the store managers through
behavioral interview. 'Behavioral description interview is a structured interview in which the
interviewer asks the candidate to describe how he or she handled type oI situation in the past.
Apart oI stealing cash problem, the Angelo also has to experience 'stealing business idea
problem. So in case oI selecting manager, he has to be more careIul mow. To understand the
honesty oI the manager the organization can taste him by behavioral description approach. So
organization can ask him indirectly some question about his previous job or any situation is
handled like some internal problem situation. At the time oI answering, iI he or she explores any
internal ideas or Iacts it indicates that he might not be honest. II the candidates answer the
question intellectually without exploring any internal matter then the interviewer can choose him
Ior the job because oI his honesty answer.
To select waiter and waitress Angelo`s pizza may use situational interview. We discuss in the
above about the situational interview so by giving any situation Ior waiter and waitress and aIter
answering their question the organization will be able to know what he or she will really do in
real. Like, iI any customer behave rudely with waiter and waitress, in that situation how he or she
will managed the angry customer. By doing this organization may select good employee.
In case oI selecting pizza maker the structural interview will be applicable. 'Structured interview
is selection interview that consists oI a determined set oI questions Ior the interviewer to ask.
O "uestions are related to job requirement
O overs relevant knowledge, skills, & experience
O The interviewer supposed to avoid asking that are not on the list
O The results may be more valid and reliable than with nondirective interview
Interviewer will Iollow that interview system because Ior that post only his knowledge about the
related work is important. So by predetermined set oI question its possible to check his or her
depth oI knowledge.

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