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Dice Rules

How to Roll the Dice in Combat…

To determine the order of action players roll a d10 initiative. Lowest number starts, followed
by the next highest and so on.

All dice rolls are d10. The high number wins.

JackPC rolls a 5
NickPC rolls a 2
JackPC wins and rolls damage if applicable.


If your character has a Skill Bonus then you may add this to the result of the roll.

EXAMPLE: Jack swings his sword, the dice roll is 5. Jack has Advanced One-Handed Swords
as a Skill (+4), which he can add to the roll: 5+4=9.

JackPC: D10 (+4)

JackPC rolls a 5.
JackPC total is 9.

To learn more about skills please visit the following link: [Custom Skills] or [Magic Rules]

All damage whether physical or magical is d8 damage, unless stated otherwise on the
character sheet.

Every character has 20 HP. However we do offer a Skill that will increase HP slightly.
The Skill: “Stamina Increase”, raises your HP by 2 (Beginner), 4 (Advance) and 6 (Expert).

When a character reaches 0 HP, the character is considered incapacitated, unable to react,
out cold.

When the character reaches (minus) ‐5HP, the character is in a critical state. Without
medical attention in the next five minutes, (or 3 rounds) the character may die.

For every minute that passes after your character reaches -5 HP there will be a deduction of
1 HP. When HP reaches – 10, the character is considered dead.

©2007 The Dog’s Bollocks, Inc.

The character must have a healing type of skill whether medical or magical. Healing cannot
take place during combat be done in combat.

Guide to DICE healing:

Step One: First step is to set up a difficulty level for your character.
Roll d10 and add +4 to the roll.
EXAMPLE ‐ Healer rolls an 8 then add +4 equals 12.

Step Two: Second step determines if you were successful. You roll a d10 and +
Skill Bonus (a healing skill).EXAMPLE ‐ Healer rolls an equal or higher
number than the first roll of 12 and the action of healing is successful.
Lower than 12 and the action is considered a fail, and the healing is

There is currently no method of resurrection known.

©2007 The Dog’s Bollocks, Inc.

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