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adhere stick fast

adherent follower, supporter

adjacent neighboring, adjoining
adjunct something added on, attached (inferior)
adulation adoration, flattery
adulterate impune with sg inferior, tainted
advent arrival
adventitious accidental, casual
adversary opponent
adverse unfavorable, hostile
adversity misfortune, poverty
advocacy support, pleading on sg's behalf
advocate urge, plead for
aerie big bird's nest
affable warmly friendly, easily approachable
affected artificial, pretended, assumed in order to impress
admonish warn, reprove
admonishion warning
adorn decorate
adroit skillful
affidavit written statement made under oath
affiliation joining, associating
affinity kinship
affirmation positive assertion, confirmation
affix fasten, attach, add on
affliction state of distress, cause of suffering
affluence wealth, abundance
affront insult, offense
aftermath outcome, consequences, upshot
agenda items of business at a meeting
agglomeration collection, heap
aggrandize increase, intensify
aggregate gather, accumulate
aghast horrified
agility nimbleness
agitate stir up, disturb
agnostic does not believe that knowing about God's existence is possible
alacrity cheerful promptness
alcove nook, small recessed section of a room
alias an assumed name
alimentary supplying nourishment
alimony tartsdj
allay calm, pacify
allege state without proof
acme top, pinnacle
acquiesce assent, agree without protesting
acquittal deliverance from a charge
acrid sharp, bitterly pungent
acrimounious bitter in word and manner
acrophobia fear of heights
actuarial calculating, pertaining to insurance statistics
actuate motivate
acuity sharpness
acumen mental keenness
acute quickly perceptive, keen, brief, severe
adage wise saying, proverb
adamant hard, inflexible
adapt alter, modify
addendum addition, supplement
addle muddle, drive crazy, become rotten
address direct a speech to, deal with or discuss
adept expert
academic related to a school, not practical or directly useful
accede agree
acclivity sharp upslope of a hill
accessible easy to aproach, obtainable
acknowledge recognise, admit
acclaim applaud, announce with great approval
acidulous sligthly sour, sharp, caustic
accolade award of merit
accomodate oblige or help someone, adjust or bring into harmony, adapt
accomplice partner in crime
accord agreement
accost approach and speak first to a person
accoutre equip
accretion growth, increase
accrue come about by addition
acerbity bitterness of speechand temper
acetic vinegary
abrade wear away by friction, erode, scrape
abrasive rubbing away, tending to grind down
abridge condense, shorten
abrogate abolish
abscond depart secretly and hide
absolute complete, totally unlimited, certain
absolve pardon
abstain refrain, hold oneself back voluntary from an action or practice
abstemious sparing in eating and drinking, temperate
abstinence restarain in eating and drinking
abstract theoretical, not concrete,nonrepresentational
abstruse obscure, profound, difficult to understand
abusive coarsely insulting, physically harmful
abut border upon, adjoin
abysmal bottomless
abyss enormous chasm, vast bottomless pit
abase lower, humiliate
abash embarass
abate subside, decrease, lessen
aboriginal first of its kind, native
abortive unsuccesful, fruitless
aberrant deviant, abnormal
abet aid, encourage in sg wrong
abeyance suspended action
abhor detest, hate
abject lacking pride, wretched
abjure renounce upon oath
ablution washing
abnegation repudation, self-sacrifice
abominable detestable, unpleasant
ameliorate improve
amenities convenient features
amiable agreeable, lovable, warmly friendly
amicable politely friendly, not quarellsome
amiss wrong, faulty
amity friendship
amnesty pardon
amoral nonmoral
amorous moved by sexual love
amorphous formless, lacking shape or definition
amphibian ktlt
ample abundant
amplify broaden, clarify, intensify
amenable willing to be led
amend correct, change, generally for the better
anachronism an error involving time in a story
analgesic fjdalomcsillapt
analogous comparable
analogy parallelism, similarity
anathema solemn curse, someone/sg regarded as a curse
ancestry family descent
anchor secure, fasten
ancillary serving as an aid or accessory
anesthetic rzstelent
anguish acute pain, extreme suffering
alleviate relieve
allocate assign
alloy mixture as of metals
alloy mix, make less pure, lessen or moderate
allude refer indirectly
allure entice, attract
allusion indirect reference
aloft upward
aloof apart, reserved
altercation noisy quarell, heated dispute
altruistic unselfishly generous, concerned for others
amalgamate combine, unite in one body
amass collect
ambidextrous 2 jobbkezes
ambience atmosphere, environment
ambiguous ktes
ambivalence the state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes
amble moving at an easy pace
ambulatory able to walk, not bedridden
angular sharp-cornered, stiff in manner
animated lively, spirited
animosity hostility, enmity
animus hostile feeling or intent
annals records, history
annihilate destroy
annotate comment, make explanatory notes
annuity yearly allowance
annul make void
anoint consecrate
anomalous abnormal, irregular
anomaly irregularity
antagonism hostility, active resistance
antecede precede
antecedents preceding events or circumstances that influence what comes later
antediluvian antiquated, extremely ancient
anthology book of literary selections by various authors
anthropocentric regarding human beings as the centre of the universe
anthropoid manlike
anticlimax letdown in thought or emotion
antidote medicine to counteract a poison or diseare
antipathy aversion, dislike
antiquated old-fashioned, obsolete
antiseptic ferttlent
anthitesis contrast, direct opposite of or to
apathy indifference, lack of caring
ape mimic, imitate
aperture hole, opening
apex top, summit, climax
aphasia loss of speach due to injury or illness
aphorism aforizma
apiary place wjere bees are kept
aplomb magabiztossg
apocalyptic prophetic, revelation
apotheosis elevation to godhood, ideal example of sg
apall dismay, shock
apparatus equipment
apparition ghost, phantom
append attach
application diligent attention
apposite appropriate, fitting
appraise estimate value of
apocryphal untrue, made up
apogee highest point
apolitical having an aversion or lack of concern for political affairs
apologist one who writes in defense of a cause or institution
apostate one who abandons his religious, political beliefs
appreciate increase in value
apprehend arrest
apprehension fear
apprise inform
approbation approval
appropriate acquire, take into possession
apropos with reference, regarding
aptitude fitness, talent
aquiline curved, hooked
arable mvelhet
subsequently kvetkezskppen, azt kveten
perpetual rks, lland
arbiter person with power to decide a dispute, judge
arbitrary capricious, tyrannical, randomly chosen
arbitrator judge
arcade fedett stlutca
arcane secret, mysterious
archaelogy archeolgia
archetype prototype, primitive pattern
archipelago group of closely located islands
archives public records, the place where they keep public records
ardor heat, passion, zeal
ardous hard, strenous
arid barren, dry
aromatic fragrant
arraign charge in court, indict
array marshal, draw up in order
array clothe, adorn
arrears being in debt
arrest stop, slow down, catch someone's attention
arroyo gully, vzakna
arsenal where they keep weapons
articulate effective, distinct
artifact object made by human beings
articfice deceit, trickery
artisan manually skilled worker
artless without guile, open, honest
ascendancy controling influence, dominance
ascertain find out for certain, megbizonyosodni
ascribe refer, attribute, assign
aseptic preventing infection
ashen ash-coloured
asinine stupid
askance with a sideways or indirect look
askew crookedly, slanted, at an angle
asperity sharpness (of temper)
aspirant seeker of position, status
aspire seek to attain, long for
assail assault
assay analyze, evaluate
assent agree
assessment evaluation, judgement
assiduous diligent
astral related to stars
astringent binding,causing contractions
astronomical enormously large, extensive
astute wise, keen, shrewd
asunder apart, into parts
asymmetric aszimmetrikus
atavism resemblance to remote ancestors, deformity returning after passage of generations
assimilate absorb, cause to become homogeneous
assuage ease, lessen, soothe, satisfy
assumption take posession of, take something for granted
assurance self-confidence, promise, pledge
astigmatism eye defect that prevents proper focus
atone make amends for, pay for
atrophy wasting away
attentive figyelmes
attenuate make thinner, weaken
attest testify, bear witness
attribute essential quality
attribute ascribe, explain
attrition gradual decrease in number
atypical not normal
audacious daring, bold
audit examination of accounts
augment increase, add to
augury omen, prophecy
august impressive, majestic
aureole sun's corona, halo
auroral pertaining to the aurora borealis
auspicious favoring success
austere forbiddingly stern, severely simple, unornamented
authenticate prove genuine
authoritative having the weight of authority,peremptory, dictatorial
automaton mechanism that imitates actions of humans
autonomous self-governing
autopsy examination of a dead body
auxiliary helping, additional, subsidiary
avalanche lavina
avarice greediness for wealth
avenge bosszt ll
averse reluctant, disinclined
aversion firm dislike
avert prevent, turn away
aviary enclosure for birds
avid greedy, egar for
avocation secondary, minor occupation
avow declare openly
avuncular like an uncle
awry distorted, crooked
axiom self-evident truth

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