AI Project Ion

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The program do the job like “Google Destop” which is search a particular ward in all
files at the local hard drive and give the list of the file name which contain the word. We
can call our program as a simple google desktop search engine which is also give a list of
file name contain a particular word in a directory in local hard drive. The least is arranged
by the file name first which have the word most times and then the least one.

Development Tools:
We use JAVA for the front end of the program.
We use Microsoft Access 2000 as a back end for the program.

 Microsoft Access 2000
 The database needs ODBC for connection.

Data flow diagram:

Directory Search Engine

Read each file

Ask list for a word


Dictionary bank
List of File Names
Frequency of each
word in word bank

Frequency Table

Steps of how the program work:

1. The program creates a dictionary or word bank. Which contain all the words.
2. Indexing:
1. Take a word as an input. The program read all text files in a
2. make a table that contains file names contains which word and
how many times.
3. Match up the word with the dictionary to determine the program can find the
word or not.
4. If the word in the dictionary then the program makes a list of file names and
frequencies of the word from the frequency table and sort the list and show the list
as result.

Screen Shots of the Program:

Snap shot: main screen

Snap shot: Dictionary

Snap shot: Portion of Frequency Table

Snap shot: input a word (data)

Snap Shot: Result

Class List:
 menuFrame
 searchWord
 sechFrm
 createFreqTable
 deleteTable
 dicFrame
 frameAuthor
 freqList
 listDiction

 createFreqTable
 freqList
 deleteTable
 dicFrame
 listDiction
 frameAuthor
 sechFrm
 menuFrame
 searchword

This is the project (demo) work for the subject Artificial Intelligence so now it works in
some limitations. It can read only .txt files of a developer defined directory and show all
the fine names in that directory as a result whatever the file has the desired word or not.
The dictionary has a few words to show the result. At future as an applicaion the program
will overcome all the limitations.

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