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TH1S 18 THE LAST WiLL AnD TESTAREXT \e Borough of Leeds of ne WILLIAM PEAT of bunbor 114 Comercial Road Kirkstall in in the County of York Iron and Steal Werchant 1 appoint oy dear wife Honnah and ay friend JonnWnitnam of St Johne Place Kirxstall aforesaid ingineer (hereinafter called ‘my trustese") to be the ZGICUTORS and trustees of this”my will And 1 appoint ny said wife during her Life and aftes her death ay trustees +o be the gturdian and be paid guardians of ay infant children 1 gfve to ny wife the sum of fifty Pounds t to her within one calendar month after my decease and alto all Wines Liquors and other consumable household stores which shall be in or about ay dwellinghouse at ay china decease 2 give and bequeath all ay plate and plated articles jewelery Line inetrusente furniture and household At and glass books plotures prints works of art musical effects being dn or about ay dwellinghouse unto ay trustees In trust to yom! surfer ay said wife to use and enjoy the said furniture end household effects and property during her Life if she shall eo long continue my widow And 1 declare that from and after the decease or second marriage of my said wife (whichever shall firet happen) and in case any daaghter of mine shall then be unnarried ay trustees shall permit my unaarried daughters to uee and enjoy the said furniture and housshold effects and 7 of any of them shall remain unmarried And 1 declare that property s0 long as the froa and after the marriage of all ay said daughters or in the event of their ceasing to use and enjoy the sald furniture and housshold effects the sage shall fall into and fona part of ay residury estate And 1 also declare that ay trustees or trustes shall not be obliged to see to the preservation of the raid furniture and household effects on any yart thereof nor be answorable for any loss or injury which aay happen during the enjoynent trereof ap aforesaid 1 give Jeyise and bequeath all ay real and personal state not hereby cthorwise disposed of unto and to the uss of my trustees Upon trust that ay trustees shall (subject to the directions hereinafter contained with respect to my partnershty business) soil call in and convert the same Anto money or .ch part thereof ae shall not consist of money either by public auction or yrivate contract and at such time or times shall in their absolute my truata Aiscretion think fit and shall with and out of the mont produced by such sale calling in and conversion and with and out of ay ready money pay ay funeral and testamentary expanses and debts and shall invest the residue of the said aoneys in or upon securitie authorised by law as investuents for trust funds with Liberty from time to tim to vary Such tay: stants into cthers of the ike nature And shall atand post sed of the said Feaiduary trust monay and the investwente for the time being repre nting the sane (hereinafter catied the r tau ry trust funds) In trust to pay the incone thereof vo y said wife durins ker 1% or until her arriage again she naverthelese maint aining clothing ang educatins such of my children as sha‘) for the time being up to sons be under the age of twenty one years and as to daughters be under that age and unsarriea And efter the de th or marriage again of ay said wite (whichever shall first happen) 1 declare that my trastees shall stand possessed of the said residuary trust funda In trust for ail ay children who beinc sone shall attain the aze of twenty one years oF Deine daughters shall attain that age or marry under that age in equal shares and Sf there snalt be only one auch child the whole to be in trust for that one chila Provided alwaye that if any child of mine shall die in my Lifetime leaving a child GF cktdran who shall survive as and being @ son or sons shall attain the age of twonty one youre or velng a dasghter or daughters shall attain that age or marry under that ‘qe then and in every mich ease the lant oentioned child or children hall take (and ) 4f more than one equally between thea) the share which hia hur or their parent would have taken of and in the residuary trust funds 4¢ much parent hed survived me and attained the age of tventy one years And wita respect to uy share and interest in the busin of Iron Steel and Girder “erchanta now carried on by ne at Leads aforeuatd in Partnorahip with George Widgisy under the style or tira of ‘Charles Auty & Co" 1 emposer my trustees to adjust and settle all accou! and transaetions relating to the said partner: ip business ax: to wind up the affaires and concerns thereof and ascertain the amount of my share and interest therein 2ither acerdin~ to the provi- eions of the Articles of Partner ip under nich th: sata business shall be carried on at my decoasa or upon such 0} tatu and in such winner as jay be an deteson then and ay surviving yariner with pover for ay tristzey te refse to andi tration or otherwise to comronise or settle any question that say arise in or avout the winding up of the said concern in such manar as y think £1 and generally ta do and execute all such sete and thinze in relation to the prenises as a a to then nece ry or expedient without being answerable for any Loes sich way actoe thereby And 1 authori y trustees if they shall in their discretion think fit to parutt the whole or any part of the an tw fe accounts f the said ch on tins partnership shall appear to be due to ay aetete us and for the said business to ronuin in the paid business as a loan dat so t is pee eontua par annua shall de thersof with intersat after the rate of tive zo: ing continuing te Garry on the satd 1 secured by the Bond of the pereon for tre &: Dusiness either «ith or withou! any ot for the sum as my trustaas sha think fit And (oubject to the provis'ons hereinbefore contained as to the said we the sale and conversion of

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