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14 APRIL 1910 Wol 14 PG00 No 322 Fred Rawson 3 Conmercail Road Kirkstall in the City of Leeds Plumber of the first part and Joseph Henry Foster of 62 Woolsley Road Leeds aforesaid Grease Manufacturer of the other part All that plot of land situate in Morris Lane Kirkstall ( part of a larger plot.of land ) containing about ‘Five Thousand and Fifty square yards conveyed to one Albert Baxter by an indent dated I7th day of February 1699 and made between Charles leverall Rodgers of the one part and said Albert Bexter on the other and containing (me thousand one hundred and twenty -five squere yards or thereabouts bounded on the North Hast by property of theNlorth Hast Pailway Company (a the South -West by Morris lane aforesaid on the North-west by property of William Spencer and onthe South-east by property of and 0 semi. datatched villa erected on said plot of land and known by the name of Carne Brea formerley in occupation of the late Williem Peat and now intended to be occupyed by said Joseph Henry Foster all of which hereditaments are more particulary described on the plan endorsed on an indenture of conveyance dated 23 December 1899 made between the said Albert Baxter of the one part | end Fred W Rydall of the other and surrounded by a red boundary line unto and to use Joseph Henry Foster in fee subject to all euch easnents Rights of way Sewerage Faceage of vater (if any ) as the same is now liable to and also to the spectel reservetion and stipulations mentioned containing or referred to in the herein before mentioned indenture of the I7 February 1699 end also subject toa deed of conventant dated 23 of December dade between said Albert Baxter of the second part and william Spencer of the third part and the said Fred W Rydell of the fourth part and to the intents covenants end agreements therein contained so far as the same are now subsisting end capable of taking effect and is hereby agreed end Geclared by and between the parties hereto that the wall between the hereditaments hereby conveyed and ajoining hereditaments on the North_Weet side thereof is a party wall and shall at all tim hereafter be maintained and repaired accordingley Geo Seott, 13 South Parade Leeds

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