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3133 !

alan usahawan 3
1aman usahawan
13300 ermaLang auh
ulau lnang

Cur 8eff 1234
?our 8eff

17 CC1C8L8 2011
konlca MlnolLa 8uslness SoluLlon (M) Sun 8Pu
no1 Cround lloor lnflnlLe CenLre
!alan 13/6
46200 eLallng !aya
Selangor uarul Lhsan

uear Slrs
1o Lnqu|re About kon|ca M|no|ta r|nter

l am a urchaslng Cfflcer ln an adverLlslng company l have been asslgned Lo look for a good
mulLlfuncLlonal dlglLal prlnLer for my deparLmenL and l came across your adverLlsemenL and l am very
lnLeresLed ln uslng your producLs

My Leam ls conslderlng uslng your konlca MlnolLa rlnLer l would Lhus greaLly appreclaLe any
lnformaLlon regardlng your producL llne and prlce llsL Could you also explaln more regardlng Lhe
warranLy perlod of Lhls producL 8eyond LhaL can you please explaln abouL Lhe power consumpLlon LhaL
Lhls prlnLer used

l would especlally llke Lo know abouL Lhe oLher servlces LhaL your company provlded and would be
graLeful lf you could Lell me Lhe oLher advanLages of uslng Lhls prlnLer

l appreclaLe LhaL Lhls ls an unusual requesL buL l would be very graLeful for any help you could provlde l
look forward hearlng from you

?ours falLhfully
(nur Lva Zulalkha)
urchaslng Cfflcer

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