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IMAGE PROCESSING JAN 2005 N.B. Question No. 1 is compulsory.

Attempt nay four questions out of remaining Six questions. All questions carry equal marks. 1. Write short notes on :- (20) i) Image Compression Standards. ii)Wavelet Transform, iii) Sampling and Quantization. 2. (a) i) Explain zooming of on Image. Does it increase the information content of an Image. (15) ii)Perform zooming on the following image by Replication and Linear Interpolation. Is the result same in both the cases. 12521 23412 41311 42511 11713 (b) What do you understand by Gamma correction - Explain. (5) 3. Write notes on:- (20) i) Fidelity Criteria ii) Basic Operation in morphology. iii) Boundary Descriptors. iv) Thresholding. 4. (a) Explain the different approaches used to describe texture of digital images. (20)(b) Explain with examples the following: - (12) i) Thinning, ii) Global Processing via graph Theoretic Techniques. 5. (a) Illustrate the following Techniques: (12) i) Arithmetic Coding ii) Bit Plane Coding. (b) Plot the histogram for the following image. Perform Histogram equalization and then plot the equalized Histogram and Histogram Equalized Images. (8) 11533 12667 14062 44252 74022 6. (a) Explain Filtering in the Spatial Domain. (10) (b) Write the 8 x 8 matrix for the walsh transform. Write the characteristics of the walsh transform. Also show the Walsh basis function for N=4. (10) 7.(a) Explain Image Averaging and Image Subtraction. (8)

(b). Explain the following boundary descriptors : (12) i) Fourier Descriptors ii) Moments iii) Shape Numbers

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