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LS ToL A JfH * EIDOLON - SEA-PORT AND Sky-City LNAI} ADAH tl DL 4 | roxeworo TERMINOLOGY & BACKGROUND | 1+ Definitions & Terms 4 VIII Erpoton..... : 1+ Overview. 2+ The Palace 53 + Consulates & Galeries 44+ Mansions. 5 + Guildhalls & inns 6+ The Market. - 7+ The Docks 8+ Weather over Eidolon 1 IX Set-Kar Crry.... 1 + Sighing Docks..... 21 2+ Library Quarter 3 + Twelve Bridges 4+ North Delta 5 Black Oak. 6+ The City Center. 7+ Avenue ofthe Gods 8+ South Commons. 9 Granite Knoll 2 Teling Time .. 3 Languages oon 4+ Peoples of Sl-kai | Se1-KAt: AN OVERVIEW ... 1+ Life in Se-kai 2+ Anatomy ofthe City 3 The Classe... ‘Tite REALM OF SeL-KAI & ENVIRONS 1 The Lands... History... 1+ The Calendar. 2+ Sel-kai Timeline . 3 + Recent Events. = 107 01d Gay 4+Current Trends and Trends 33 ie Cina Waza 106 oon " ta 12+ Pusheart Vendors a “108 Set-kat GOVERNMENT... 35 X Tue Suips oF Se-Kat. oe 1+ Symbols of Authority.. “ 1+ Terminology nr 2+ The Prince and Court of Sel-kai.... Bigetorns Cale et 3+ The Prince's Privy Council. + Sea-going Vessels ere BND 3 Tiare ir Cou {Rive Caal Vee 13 5+ Justice XI Apvenrunes.. ey 6 Guardians of Peace 1» Character Contacts : us 7+ Taxes and Customs 2+ Alitle Knowledge meet 8-The Prince’ Fleet. : 3+ What Price Health? M7 9+ Post Ofc sssnsnonnnnnnnnnnn 4 Alite Intrigue... 9 Prope & Grours oF Nore. 5+ I've got a Job for You: 2 ene icenoene 6- Slave Trade... “123 2 -Lovemanters, 7+ A Circle of Thieves... 124 a Nise : 8 Mystery Cargo. “126 4+ Eridan Sky Trade Alliance... 9A Shadow Lengthens 129 Sean 10° Adventure Ideas 32 6 + Alliance of Seers XH Equipment Anp CoMMERCE. 133 7 Andasai College 1+ Coinage Standards 135, 8+ Coven of Morals 2+ Purchase and Resale of Goods 135 9+ Temple of Neela. 3+ Price Charts. 137 10 Fellowship of Boatmen XII Cuarrs & Rererence MATERIALS. 145 Sackur Ont unmATions 50 Master Military Chare, Master NPC Chart, Mur-Etven r Inderworld .. St vocabulary, Eidolon Typeface, Maps. 2+ Council of Nine. 52 up ba " XIV Inpex. 156 3+ The Unseen Eyes 4+ The Grey Ring. 5+ Gargoyles 6+ Other Forces.. 4 Eidolon City inthe Sky nt of the Bladelands to the plains of the nomadic Jan. A glittering jewel, a treasury floating on a cloud, a testament to the power of coin, Eidolon if q the unassailable heart of the richest trade empire on the Shadow World.| ‘The Prince of Sel-kai resides in Eidolon, his gleaming white marble palace towering over rings of landscaped terraces. The rest of the ‘Upper City’ is dominated by guildhalls and shops trading in the most exotic | luxury goods. About the towers and rippling banners circle a swarm of sky-ships, the merchant fleet of the Prince. Like bees they serve the hive but their cargo is merchandise, not pollen, and the gold is metal, not honey. { By any measure of mortal lifetimes, itis an ancient city: for fourteen centuries it has hovered serenely above the rolling hills of Sel-kai. But Eidolon is young com- pared to her land-bound sister, Sel-kai City. Many times the size of Eidolon, the | ‘Lower City’ is where the bulk of commerce takes place; it remains the backbone of the Sel-kai economy. ' Sel-kai City has existed for four and a half millennia, growing from a small cluster of wood and thatch cabins on the bank of the Sharhya to a sprawling me- tropolis of islands topped by stone towers straddling the delta. Hundreds of bridges span the dozens of canals at many levels, linking the twelve districts of Sel-kai City. In the Black Oak and Library districts, towers rise higher as the wealthy and powerful seek to dominate their rivals. Meanwhile the piling supporting the Sighin, Docks and Canal Maze slowly sink into the muddy bottom of the river. Detailing the city of Eidolon, Sel-kai City, and the island-realm of Sel-Kai, this book also includes reference material on common trade goods such as metals, gems, herbs, spices, and other items. Exhaustive price lists are included. Central to this guide is the map of Sel-kai City. Actually several maps, the set includes a color overview of the city, close-up B&W maps of selected areas, and | floorplans of representative shops, inns and other establishments frequented by | player-characters. Decorative Also scattered throughout the book are vignettes of life in Sel-kais scenes in- | University of Kangen, tended to give the reader a better feel for life in this land of wealth and poverty,

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