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Present Simple / Present Indefinite (mvavib eZgvb ev wbZe eZgvb) h tense viv eZgvb Kvji Kvb KvR/ NUbv,

Afvm/ cKwZ, wPibmZ ev ^vfvweK Kvh, AfZv, wbZ bgwK NUbv BZvw` eySvq ZvK Present Simple tense ej| evsjv ic : Kwi, Kwim, Ki, Kib BZvw` wqvwefw _vK| MVb : Subject + Verb Gi base form (g~jwqv) The sun rises in the east. (wPib mZ / ^vfvweK Kvh) I get up early in the morning. (Afvm/AfZv) (Affirmative sentence-G present simple tense-G verb- Gi MVb infinitive Gi gZ A_vr Verb Gi base form nq, Ze Subject 3rd person singular number nj verb -Gi mv_ s/es hvM ne Ges mKj regular I irregular verb- Gi GKB MVb nq _vK|) I work. (Affirmative) Present simple tense -G Subject Gi c~e I do not work. (Negative) Do/Does ewmq Interrogative sentence Ges Do I work? (Interrogative) Don't/ Doesn't ewmq Negative-Interrogative Do I not work? (Negative- Interrogative) Ges Subject Gi ci Don't/Doesn't ewmq He buys books. Negative sentence Kiv hvq| Ze To be verb He doesn't buy books. _vKj to be verb K Subject Gi c~e Does he buy books? ewmq Interrogative sentence Ges to be -Gi Doesn't he buy books? Or Does he not buy books? mv_ not ewmq Negative sentence Kiv hvq| to have verb _vKj Dfq wbqgB Kiv You are ill. Are you ill? You are not ill. Not -mvaviYZ, Do Z_v Auxiliary Ges Are you not ill? Or Aren't you ill? g~j Verb Gi gvSLvb em| Ges I have a pen. Negative- Interrogative -G Noun -Gi I have no (not a) pen. c~e Ges pronoun -Gi ci em| Ze Have you a pen? Do you have a pen? Contraction Gi Noun I pronoun Did not Rahim do the work? DfqiB c~e em| Did he not do the work? Noun - Gi c~e No Ges Adjective He has no enemy. No man can do this. -Gi c~e not ewmq Negative eenvi : sentence Kiv hvq| 1.1- Afvm ev AfZv (Habitual action) eySvZ present simple tense eeZ nq| He smokes. Dogs bark. (evi eei mgq KvRwU PjQ wKbv Zv bq|) DjL evi eei mgq KvRwU PjQ wKbv Zv Present simple tense viv eySv hvq bv, GB welqwU cwivifve eySZ nj present continuous tense eenvi KiZ nq| He always works at night. He is working (now). (evi eei mgq KvRwU PjQ wKbv Zv fve eySv hvq bv|) (evi eei mgq KvRwU PjQ eySvQ |) My dog barks a lot, but it isn't barking at the moment. Present simple viv KvRi Pjgvb Aev mK avibv cvIqv hvq bv| Present continuous viv KvRi Pjgvb Aev mK avibv cvIqv hvq| 1.2- Sentence - G KZjv Adverb/ adverbial phrases _vKj Ges wbw` mgqi DjL bv _vKj hgbAlways, never, occasionally, often, sometimes, usually, every week, on Monday, twice a year BZvw` (D word jv hLb Afvm eySve) _vKj present simple tense eeZ nq| A good boy attends school regularly. Dr. MITUN SARKAR He goes to mosque on Friday. (AfZv) D.V.M. (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) It rains in summer. (cKwZ) How often do you wash your hair? (Afvm) Sylhet Agricultural University (S.A.U.) It often rains heavily in Bangladesh. (cKwZ) E-mail:-

1.3- mgqvcK (Adverbial clause - time clause) Gi , hv mvaviYZ wbqwgZ KvRi avibv `q ev Afvm eySvq| G when ev whenever _vKj present simple tense ewk chvR nq | Whenever it rains the roof leaks. When you open the window a light goes on. As soon as he earns money he spends it. He takes the boy to school before he goes to work. `ywU fwelZ NUbvi GKwU AciwUi ~e msNwUZ nj h NUbvi eYbv- When, whenever, as soon as, before, till, until, while, since, where, unless, if, incase, whether BZvw` viv i KiZ nq Zvi eYbvq, Abfve ejv hvq D Word viv MwVZ subordinate clause - G present simple tense ne Ges Principal clause ne future tense G| I shall go there if he comes. He will learn his lessons before he goes to school. Aviv wKQz eenvi t2.1- Kvb wKQz wRvmv Kivi , eB _K DwZ w`Z, bvwUmi , wKsev Kvb wPwV mcwZ cvIqvi ci Zvi mK wKQy ejZ Say-verb-Gi mv_ Present simple tense nq _vK| (1) Bushra : What does the notice say? Eva : It says, No parking. (2) Bushra : What does the book say? Eva : It says 'Learn English (Easy way) Easily.' (3) Bushra : I see you've got a letter from Anika. What does she say? Eva: She says she is coming to Sylhet next week. Shakespeare says, 'Life is a tale told by an idiot.' 2.2- Verb of communication-Gi Present simple tense G nq _vK| Shakespeare advises us not to lend or borrow. The notice warns people not to go any further. Dr. MITUN


D.V.M. (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine)

2.3- msev`ci wkivbvg Present simple tense G nq _vK| Sylhet Agricultural University (S.A.U.) BOMB BLASTS, Email:- SSC RESULT PUBLISHES 2.4- Kvei fwbZvq (dramatic narrative) - Bnv mvaviYZ eeZ nq bvUK, avivfvl, Rbmgvek; Present simple tense G nq _vK| When she gets up, the sun is shinning. A cold wind hits her. She feels..... 2.5- wbKU fwelZ (cwiKwZ/ Aekvex) Ges wbKU fwelZi avivevwnK KvRi eYbvq (Bnv mvaviYZ eeZ nq gbi ) Present simple tense G nq _vK| Ramadan begins in the next month. We leave Sylhet at 2.00 next Tuesday and arrive in Habiganj at 4.00. We spend two hours there and leave again at 6.00............. 2.6- Present continuous tense wnme eeZ nq bv Gic Verb jvi Present simple tense G nq _vK| (see, feel, believe, like, know, think, understand, notice, want, desire, recognize, smell, love, hate, dislike, forgive, etc.) The Doctor feels his pulse.

2.7- Conditional sentence (Type- 1: probable) - G Present simple tense G nq _vK| (If + Present +.......) If I see Antu I'll ask him. Unless you read attentively you won't pass. 2.8- AwbqZv cKvk Present simple tense G nq _vK| Whether good days come is uncertain. 3.1- AZxZ Kvji KvRK eZgvbi KvRic eySvZ Present simple tense G nq _vK| Hazarat (SM) borns in 570 A.D. 3.2- AZxZKvji Kvb HwZnvwmK NUbv hb eZgvb nQ eySvZ (HwZnvwmK eZgvb) Present simple tense G nq _vK| Humayan ascends the throne.


D.V.M. (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine)

Sylhet Agricultural University (S.A.U.) Email:-

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