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Vote for the Dead Sea!

As one of the New 7 Wonders of Nature

You have until 11/11/11 to cast your vote online*
The Dead Sea, the lowest place on earth at 1,368 feet (421 meters) below sea level, is one of 24 nalists for the New 7 Wonders of Nature. And a wonder it is, steeped in healing minerals and Jewish history. With a surface area of about 300 square miles (800 square km), the Dead Sea with its warm, oily waters could be described as the largest mineral bath in the world. It has 21 di erent minerals which bene t the skin, including magnesium which acts as a moisturizer, bromine which heals and relieves skin problems such as psoriasis, sodium and potassium which eliminate toxins, and black mud with its rich, therapeutic properties. Genesis 14:3 describes this body of water as the Salt Sea, which is what it is called in Hebrew. Indeed, its salt concentration of 33.7 percent is 10 times higher than the North Sea and the Mediterranean. Biblically, the Dead Sea is the site of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18); and the oasis of Ein Gedi, with its desert waterfall, is the place where David sought refuge from Saul (1 Samuel 24). King Herod built his winter residence here, the legendary fortress of Masada, which became a symbol of Jewish resistance when Zealots took refuge there and resisted a Roman siege after the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 AD. Nearly two millennia later, in 1947, Bedouin shepherds discovered the Qumran Caves and stumbled upon one of the most important archaeological nds of our time: the Dead Sea Scrolls, which bear witness to the authenticity of Old Testament Scripture. A vote for the Dead Sea would be a boon for tourism, bene ting Jews and Arabs alike and contributing to peaceful coexistence. The sea lies in three territories: Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority, and all three governments have cooperated in promoting the N7W project. The Dead Sea even contains a promise for the Messianic Age, when the waters will become fresh (Ezekiel 47:8).


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By Michael SCHNEIDER or
THE SALT SEA This shall be your land according to its borders (Numbers 34:12)

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