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Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation College of Natural Resources and Environment Virginia Tech

A PhD assistantship is available in the Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation at Virginia Tech. The assistantship is funded by the USDA National Institute for Food and Agriculture and USDA Forest Service and intended to support research and program development in the area of web-based Extension. The successful applicant will work with a multiinstitutional committee and serve on a national eXtension Community of Practice. For more information on eXtension visit: Assistantships in the Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation at Virginia Tech pay excellent annual stipends and include a full tuition waiver. Conference travel and insurance subsidy are also included. The position is available beginning January 2012. Individuals with a background in forestry or natural resources outreach and education are encouraged to apply. Offer of assistantship is contingent upon acceptance to the Graduate School at Virginia Tech (information available at For additional information please contact:

PhD Assistantship at Virginia Tech in Forest and Natural Resources Extension

John F. Munsell: Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation College of Natural Resources and Environment Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA 24061

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