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Daniel Robert Eyre

511 Fox Hollow Drive

Kennett Square, PA 19348


Seoul Foreign High School (International Private/Preparatory School)
Pennsylvania State University (Smeal College oI Business)
Management major, International Studies minor and a concentration in
Sogang University (Sogang School oI Business Seoul, South Korea)

Work Experience

Say Sushi Restaurant - Summer/Fall 2011
Trained and managed employees as servers and kitchen staII.
Acted as the only cross-Iunctional employee: both server and kitchen staII.
College Works Painting - Spring/Summer 2010
Created and managed a painting business Irom scratch in 6 months.
Recruited all staII Ior both production and marketing, negotiated and managed
contracts with customers, scheduled and delegated the restoration oI properties,
leading to successIully completed restorations and satisIied customers.
Fund for the Public Interest - Field Manager and Campaign Staff - Summer 2009
Door-to-door Iundraising: utilized persistence and positive communication ability
to achieved one oI the highest donation rates on staII.
Commune Editing Firm (South Korea Firm) - Editor - Fall/Spring 2007/2008
Edited post-translation documents Ior clarity, style and grammar to assure proper
communication between client corporations and government entities.
This required cultural understanding and strong communication skills to eliminate
ambiguity oI important inIormation.

Extra-curricular Activities
National Student Leadership ConIerence (NSLC)
Students Organizing Multiple Arts (SOMA)
American Solar Energy Society (ASES) PSU Chapter

Language Skills
Korean Conversationally proIicient
German - Basic

Computer Experience
Well acquainted with Macintosh & Windows. ProIicient in MicrosoIt OIIice and Digital
Recording applications.

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