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Junior Research Paper: Rubric Your final essay must meet the following requirements.

Check off each box as you ensure your paper includes the criteria:

o o o o o Be at least 8 pages in length [at least halfway onto the 8th page], NOT including your Works Cited____________/10 Be typed in an easy-to-read 12-point font____________/5 Be double-spaced____________/5 Have 1-inch margins all the way around____________/5 Have your last name and page number in the top right corner of every page, like this: Berg 7____________/5 o On the first page, the following heading should be in the top left corner: ____________/5 Your Name Mrs. Berg English 11 25 October 2011 o A centered, unformatted title below the heading, with no extra spaces above or below it. It CANNOT be entitled Research Paper or Abortion. It MUST be creative.____________/5 o o Perfect in-text citations: ---------------------------------- (Author pg#). ____________/15 If a quotation runs longer than 4 lines, indent it one inch in its own paragraph, do NOT use quotation marks, and put your parenthetical citations OUTSIDE the period at the end of the passage.____________/10 o Include a perfect Works Cited page as a separate last page, following the above formatting____________/20

Have your thesis statement as the last or almost last sentence[s] of your

Be organized according to your thesis statement ____________/15 Build a cohesive, persuasive and legitimate argument for your stance of your chosen topic,
supported by your research. ____________/20

Essay exhibits progressive improvement from first draft to final copy____________/10

Perfect spelling and grammar____________/10

o o o o o Perfect comma usage____________/10 Perfect apostrophe usage, but NO CONTRACTIONS [dont, doesnt, theyre, shes, its, etc] ____________/10 One semicolon AND one colon used CORRECTLY per page____________/10 Perfect hyphen usage____________/10 NO first person language in your own writing [I, we, you, our] UNTIL the very end of your conclusion, if you make any personal appeals or statements____________/10 TOTAL: _____________________/200

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