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Junior Research Paper

For the next several weeks, you will be writing a research paper on a topic of your choice. You
can choose whatever youd like to write about, but you must take a stance on the topic. For
example, you may not just present a whole bunch of information on the use of performanceenhancing drugs by professional athletes, but you may claim that the use of such drugs has been
detrimental to professional sports in various ways. Your research will support the stance you take
on your topic. Below are some activities to get you started; I will inform you of their respective
due dates.

Think up three possible topics:________________________________

Choose final topic and the stance you will take on it; return form below to Mrs. Berg

for approval:________________________________

Write and turn in your working thesis statement to guide your


30 [Book and Online] Source Notecards:________________________________

20 Quote Notecards:________________________________

100 Quote Notecards:________________________________

150 Quote Notecards:________________________________

200 Quote Notecards:________________________________

Working Outline:________________________________

Outline with quotes:________________________________

Outline with writing:________________________________

First 5 pages rough draft:________________________________

Second half of rough draft:________________________________

Works Cited:________________________________

Full second draft:________________________________

Full third draft:________________________________

Final draft and Work Cited:________________________________

Stance on topic:
Mrs. Bergs approval:

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