Beowulf Final Project

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Beowulf Final Project DUE:______________________________________ As a final project after reading Beowulf, you will work with a group to [choose

ONE]: Your creation must: Be true to Anglo-Saxon culture and values Flow naturally from the existing story Be well-developed Create an event in Beowulfs life between The Battle with Grendels Mother and The Last Battle Create an alternate ending to Beowulfs life

Your group may choose one of the following formats in which to present what youve created: Skit performed in class Video Comic/graphic novel

Rubric Scenario: 10 pts: __________An event in Beowulfs life between The Battle with Grendels Mother and The Last Battle OR 10 pts: __________An alternate ending to Beowulfs life Requirements 20 pts: __________True to Anglo-Saxon culture and values 20 pts: __________Flows naturally from the existing story 20 pts: __________Is well-developed Formats 20 pts: __________Skit performed in class OR 20 pts: __________Video OR 20 pts: __________Comic/graphic novel

Total:_________________/90 points

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