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Research Report Outline Format DUE: ________________________________________________ Your report outline must include the following information in the

following order: I. An introduction to the countries and/or people groups involved A. Where the country is located B. A brief history of the country C. The people groups involved in the genocide D. The reason for the conflict between them II. III. IV. A timeline of the events leading up to, during, and after the genocide How the persecuting force dehumanized those they did and how they convinced others to join How the genocide ended and what the end result was

You can divide the outline up between the people in your group of you can do the whole thing together, whichever you prefer. The outline must be typed and turned in as one seamless document.

Research Report Outline Format DUE: ________________________________________________ Your report outline must include the following information in the following order: V. An introduction to the countries and/or people groups involved A. Where the country is located B. A brief history of the country C. The people groups involved in the genocide D. The reason for the conflict between them VI. A timeline of the events leading up to, during, and after the genocide


How the persecuting force dehumanized those they did and how they convinced others to How the genocide ended and what the end result was


You can divide the outline up between the people in your group of you can do the whole thing together, whichever you prefer. The outline must be typed and turned in as one seamless document.

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