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Contemporary Genocide Research Project You and a partner will research genocide thats occurred since the Holocaust.

You will write an informative essay that includes the following: An introduction to the countries and/or people groups involved A timeline of the events leading up to, during, and after the genocide How the persecuting force dehumanized those they did and how they convinced others to join How the genocide ended and what the end result was You will present your findings to the class. Your presentation must include A map of the geographical location of the genocide A timeline of the main events of the genocide, accompanied by 5 photos Information about an organization working to help the people group/country recover from the genocide or prevent further conflict in the future My group:________________________________________________________________________________________ Our research topic:

Burundi, 1972 Cambodia, 1975-1979 Guatemala, 1981-1983 Bosnia-Herzegovina, 1992-1995 Rwanda, 1994 Darfur, 2005

Ten sources due:________________________________________ Outline due:________________________________________ First draft due:________________________________________ Final draft due:________________________________________

Presentation date:________________________________________

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