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Astrology should be understood in right perspective

Continuous difficulties bore the soul and the attitude of God as the divine father is to
make the souls happy and not to bore.

For this purpose He arranged the cycles of the lives with alternative happiness and
misery. Unless the soul is a demon, it cannot get continuous difficulties because a demon
only does continuous sins. A human being is neither a bad demon nor a good angel. He
is a mixture of both (Anistamistam Mishramcha….- Gita). Therefore, continuous
problems cannot be accommodated in the cycle of deeds of human beings. Hence,
happiness has to come after some period of misery like winter after summer or day after
night. In such case the problem of devotion to God during the period of happiness
becomes impossible.

Therefore, some clue should be adopted to foresee the misery in the future so that God
can be worshipped even during the period of happiness to avoid the misery in future. The
knowledge of alternating happiness and misery of the cycle of deeds is sufficient to
realize the misery in the future. But for ordinary ignorant human beings such general
concept will not give a real psychological effect. Unless an individual case is specified
and unless the misery in the future is specifically indicated, the human being will not take
up the worship of God with utmost care during happiness. For this purpose only, the
subject of Astrology is born. By Astrology an individual can foresee the misery in the

Astrology is Jyotisha Shastram, which means the science of light. It is the torchlight to
foresee the misery in the future. It shows both misery and happiness in the future. But a
human being will be alert only to avoid the misery in the future by taking some action in
the present as prevention. If the misery appears after a long time, the human being will
again sleep in the present happiness. Therefore, the design of the recycling periods of the
nine planets (Dasha) is arranged in a wonderful manner so that you can see some misery
even in the next hour. This is done by the system of Dasa – Antardasha – Vidasha –
Sukshma Dasha – Prana Dasha etc., among these nine planets some planets are good and
some planets are certainly bad for any Zodiac (Raasi) in which one is born.

By these systems of period, sub-periods, sub sub-periods etc., one can find the
involvement of a bad planet (intensity may vary) even in the next hour. Based on this
system only astrologers can calculate the time of the incident very precisely even up to
hours and minutes. Therefore, Astrology helps the human being to foresee the misery in
the future and advises to avoid the misery by worship of God and by doing certain
specified sacrifice (Daanam). This covers both theoretical and practical devotion
continuously through out the life. Therefore, Astrology is justified because the ends
justify the means. In fact it is a part of spiritual knowledge because God is also
mentioned as the ultimate light (Paramjyoti rupasampadya - Veda, Jyotiridhikaranam of
Brahma Sutras). Hence, these torch lights of the planets acting as secondary lights help
the human being to worship the main ultimate light (God).
Today the human beings approach astrologers and hear the prophecy for one year. There
was no difference between the Satguru (God in Human form) and Astrologer because the
Satguru adopts the method of Astrology for ordinary ignorant human beings to create
interest in God. In the beginning the interest may be as means but slowly on realizing the
taste of God, they may become real devotees. This is the right spirit and direction of our
tradition. If you observe today you can find the fate of such well-established divine
tradition. The astrologer is not at all a Satguru.

He is just giving the prophecy to collect some money on that day for the prophecy. He
also designs the future plan of his work in the year to earn money through the remedies
suggested and his prophecy is just the annual financial budget. He sows the seed of fear
of future misery in the minds of some rich people so that the future remedies can give
some financial benefits to him or to his secret partners who are the priests involved in
such remedies. Astrology is a part of the divine philosophy because the planets are the
executive authorities of implementing the cycle of deeds based on the constitution spelled
by God.

If you insult the astrology, God will also be furious because if a constable is insulted, the
state police authority will feel seriously. Astrology is expected to lead the ordinary
ignorant human beings into the spiritual path. If the astrologer realizes this truth and
behaves accordingly, God will be pleased with him because astrologer will become a
servant in the divine mission of the Lord. In such case all the problems of the astrologer
will be taken care of by the divine grace and he need not worry about himself any more.
The ordinary human souls are always like children who will sit and study only due to fear
of cane appearing before their eyes and such cane is the misery in the future indicated by
the astrologer. Either devotion or fear (Bhakti or Bhayam) can give fruit. If devotion is
impossible the fear is used to develop the devotion at the ground level.

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