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Write the past form of each verb:

1. go to the ballet yesterday _____________
2. do her homework in the afternoon ______________
3. have dinner in a restaurant last night ____________
4. lose his wallet on Saturday ________________
5. watch TV yesterday _______________
Two people are talking at a school on Monday. Write the missing words in each blank:
Mitch: How was your weekend?
Linda: Pretty good. I ________________ to a party with Sherry on Friday night.
Mitch: Oh, really? ____________ is Sherry?
Linda: She's fine. Then on Saturday we ___________ a movie called The Case of Detective.
Mitch: How __________ it? Good?
Linda: Yeah, ___________ was pretty good. So, ________________ about you?
Mitch: I __________________ in my dad's store Friday night. And Saturday night I _________ dinner with a
friend at Mama's Kitchen.
Linda: Oh, I'd like ________ go there sometimes. How _____________ the food.
Mitch: __________ was delicious. We ______________ a very good time.
Put the sentences in the correct order:
____________ Saturday night I had dinner with my roommate.
____________ Friday night I went to the movies with my girlfriend.
____________ Saturday afternoon I went shopping for clothes.
____________ I relaxed at home and went to bed early.
____________ We saw Rainy Day Blues.
____________ On Sunday, I was pretty tired.
____________ I got a new jacket.
Read the dialogue and answer the questions:
like movies weekend studied was parents boring - tired
Jenny: How ___________ your weekend?
Gary: It was pretty _____________. Actually, I visited my ___________ on Saturday, and I ____________
all day yesterday. Last night I was ____________ so I went to bed early. How about you? What did you do?
Jenny: My ____________ was wonderful. Sherry and I went out Saturday night. We got ice cream and after we
went to the __________. We saw Gone in sixty seconds.
Gary: Oh, I saw it last week. I didn't ____________ much, though.
1. How was Jenny's weekend? ______________________________________________________
2. How was Gary's weekend? _______________________________________________________
Answer with your own information: What did you do?
Last weekend: ___________________________________________________________________
How was it? _____________________________________________________________________
Last Monday: ____________________________________________________________________
How was it? _____________________________________________________________________
Yesterday: ______________________________________________________________________
How was it? _____________________________________________________________________

"Action is eloquence."
(William Shakespeare)

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