G World

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Some confusing G terms G-6: G-6 refers to a group of 6 industrialized nations viz.

France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, and United States. It was converted in G-7 in 1976 when Canada Joined it. So G-6 does not exist today. G-7: G-7 refers to group of seven industrialized nations, when Canada joined the G-6 in 1976 and its members are France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, United States and Canada. It exists and its latest summit was held at Canada in February 2010. G-6 (EU) :-G-6 EU is an unofficial group of the home ministers of the 6 members of EU viz. Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, and Poland. These countries are having largest population in EU and the G-6 (EU) group was formed to deal primarily with the problem of immigration, terrorism and law and order. G-8: In 1997, when Russia joined the G-7, it became G-8. Please note that in G-8, European Union is represented, but cannot host or chair. It was decided in the G-20 Washington summit 2008 that G-8 will be replaced by G-20 in the September 2009 Pittsburgh Summit. So now G-8 is superseded by G-20. G-33: G0-33 was formed in 1999 and existed for a brief period. Its members were thirty-three leading national economies of the world. It was superseded by G-20. G-20: G-20 was formally established on 26 September 1999 and its first summit took place on 1516 December 1999 in Berlin, most recent was held in Seoul on November 1112, 2010 G20 developing nations: G20 developing nations was formed after the Brasilia Declaration which gave rise to BRIC Nations in 2003. Its a trade block of 23 developing economies as of now.

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