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Eviction from these Lands 2

We three representatives, from the Friends and Relatives of
the Disappeared: Indian Residential School Survivors and Victims,
have come before you today with heavy hearts. We come with
heavy hearts because the spirits and bodies of over 50,000
innocent aboriginal children, who were abducted from their
homes and taken to live in Indian Residential Schools across
Canada, did not survive the tortures inflicted upon them during a
100 year reign of terror.

These horrific tortures included beatings, forcible

confinement, solitary confinement, pins thrust into tongues, nails
hammered into tongues, rape, sodomy, forced abortion, forced
sterilization, either during the abortion, or from deliberately
prolonged exposure to ex-ray machines, electro-shock, medical
experiments, deliberate biological infection, poor diet, starvation,
and murder, to name just a few. All of this was “to get rid of the
Indian problem” and to “take the Indian out of the Indian”,
(Duncan Campbell Scott, Deputy Superintendent of Indian Affairs,

In charge of these crimes committed against humanity were

and are the Indian Affairs Agents of the Dominion of Canada;
priests and nuns and ministers of the Catholic, Anglican and
United Churches of Canada; and teachers and superintendents
hired by the aforementioned institutions.

We tell you this as background to the fact that your own

church officials here have probably not told you that they have
ignored a recent 30-Day Letter of Demand to disclose the
whereabouts of the graves of these children, buried
unceremoniously, without the knowledge of their families, both
singly and in mass sites, and to completely and publicly open
their files about these children and the institutions of terror.

Since not only the Archdiocese, but the Anglican, and the
United Churches; the Government of Canada; the British Crown;
and the Pope have not only ignored this recent request of
Eviction from these Lands 2
disclosure, but also the requests and demands for more than four
years, an Eviction Notice has been issued to all Catholic, Anglican
and United Church properties across Canada, giving you 48 hours
from midnight of Thursday, March 13, 2008, to vacate these
premises that stand on Traditional Aboriginal land, under
Traditional Tribal Law as declared by Hereditary Chief Kiapilano of
the Squamish Nation.

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