Discussion Guide 3

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Developing Relationships By Pastor Bong Baylon

Discussion Guide No. 3


elcome to the third session of DEVELOPING RELATIONSHIPS. In our last two meetings, we
talked about commitment and honesty, two foundational ingredients for developing
healthy relationships with other people. In this session, we will talk about another
important ingredient: acceptance. Acceptance is our godly response to honesty. When people
choose to be honest and open, we should reciprocate by accepting them for who they are. We
must not judge them or reject them just because they are different from us or they have faults. As
you journey together, first as a CARE Group, then later, by God’s grace, as a LIFE Group, you
will discover many things about each other. By making the decision to accept each other in the
Lord, you will grow in your relationships with each other.

Icebreaker Question:

Who among your friends or relatives accept you for who you are? Why do you say so?

Scripture reading: Acts 15:36-41

Discussion Questions:

1. What started the conflict between Paul and Barnabas?

2. How would you describe their relationship prior to this conflict?
3. Why do you think conflicts happen even to the best of friends like Paul and
4. How were Paul and Barnabas different from each other?
5. Who among the two had a better judgment regarding Mark?
6. Based on what happened afterwards, who was right after all? (see 2 Tim 4:11)
7. What does this incident tell us about differences in people?
8. Why should Christians learn how to accept one another in the Lord regardless of their


1. Let each person describe how he or she is different from the others in the group.
2. Make a verbal commitment to each other that you are willing to accept each other
regardless of what you will discover about each other’s personality or life.
3. Ask the Lord to enable your group to learn how to accept each other unconditionally.
4. Ask the next person assigned to share his or her life testimony and make a special
effort as a group to affirm and accept that person for who he or she is.


Choose the next person who will share his or her life testimony in your next meeting.
Pray for that person. Also, schedule a webbing-out activity so that you can get to know
each other more in an informal context.

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