Unit 1 The Design Process 2

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The Design

Pham Thanh Duong

10/17/08 1

 Design is a product of human creativity and

 Design is a very broad term used to describe
things made that are not in a “natural” form.
 Humans possess the needed brain-power to
design beyond “instinct”

10/17/08 2
Design is a process

 A process is a series of ordered steps

 Design is an ongoing, continual process
 The only solution to a design problem is the
“perfect” solution.

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Where do we begin?

 Identify a problem.
 It could be your own problem, or a problem
another person has.
 Necessity is the Mother of Invention.
 Stand on the shoulders of giants, you can
see farther that way.
 Don’t reinvent the wheel, refine it!

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A customer has approached us and

asked us to produce a design for a
chair for their son.

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Research the need or
 examine current solutions
 explore other options via the internet,
 library, interviews, videos, etc

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Develop possible
 brainstorm possible solutions
 use your knowledge of science and maths
 present the solutions using "thumbnail
sketches" , "rough sketches", and "working

10/17/08 12
Generating Ideas

 Brainstorm
 Think-tank
 Summit
 Study
 Daydream
 Thinking sideways
 Lateral thinking

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Select the best possible

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 Create a mock-up
 Graphic representation
 Scale model
 Working model
 Computer simulation
 First generation product.

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Test Prototype against
 Run simulations
 Work out the “Bugs”
 Test functionality
 Test form
 Create options
 Safety testing
 Improve the prototype

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Communicate the
 Make a presentation that includes a
discussion of how the solution(s) meets the
needs of the original problem or need

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Evaluation and redesign

 “New and Improved”

 Bigger, better, higher, faster, and farther…
 Changes in fashion, style and taste.
 Trends and Fads……
 Green revolution
 New laws and regulations

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Redesign (if necessary)
 Overhaul the solution(s) based on
information gathered during the tests and

10/17/08 19

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