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Chapter 1 DRRM and the Environment

Sec 1-3: Other Weather Hazards

Dinno Louis R. Macandog RN, EMT-B DOH - HEMS

What do you see?

Boundary layer b/w 2 air masses Types of Front: 1. Cold Front
-Cold air mass moves to an area occupied by warm air

2. Warm Front
- Warm air mass moves in the area

Types of Front: 3. Squall Line - Thunderstorms that form along/ahead of CF

Types of Front: 4. Stationary Front -non-moving front

Types of Front: 5. Occluded Front -CF moving faster than WF, overtakes it and forces it away

Inter Tropical Convergence Zone ( I T C Z )

-convergence of trade winds (NE and SE) -PM rain showers and thunderstorms -over equator by April, reach northern most position by September, reach southern most point by February

Monsoon -seasonal prevailing wind a) SW monsoon Habagat

-begin around June, subsides by September -early AM and PM rainshowers and thunderstorms -active during a cyclone -creates a southwesterly surge

b) NE monsoon Amihan
-coldest airstream -occurs during winter months -starts November til February

Tropical Cyclones -intense LPS with minimum sustained winds of 35kph -average of 20 TC enter PAR and 90% affects the country -winds do most damage to properties, while casualties are the result of flooding associated with TCs

Stages of Tropical Cyclones

Tropical Depression winds from 35-63kph Tropical Storm 64-117kph Tropical Typhoon 117 and above

Strength of wind by warning level

No.1 45-60kph No.2 61-100kph No.3 101-185kph No.4 186 and above

-clouds that are cold enough to provide ingredients (ice and super-cooled water) to generate lightning. -Cumulonimbus clouds -Thundercloud

Waterspout -tornado that occurs or moves over a body of water. -usually less intense and less violent, but larger ones can completely destroy a small seacraft

knowledge of these hazards can help us prepare in averting unnecessary disasters.

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