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活出基督!耶穌關懷,我也關懷。 Live like Christ! Jesus cares, I care too.

第 839 期 ORDER OF SERVICE No. 839

主恩 2007 年 10 月 21 日 October 21st, 2007

10:00 AM • Worship service begins
1. 宣召 Call To Worship
2. 詩歌讚美 Praise Him in Hymn
3. 禱告 Invocation
4. 奉獻 Offering
5. 歡迎新友、消息與代禱 Welcome New Friends / Announcements
• Children are dismissed to Sunday school classes
• English congregation retreat to chapel for sermon
6. 證道 朱致民傳道 Message Rev. Brian Gomes
『彼此接納—保守合 一』
“ Leadership Selection”
Titus 1:1-9
羅馬書 15:1-13
7. 回應詩歌與三一頌 Responsive Hymn & Doxology
8. 祝禱 Benediction
• Youth & Adult Sunday school classes begin
• Newcomers please stay after the service for an intro of CECV
Please stay for lunch and have fellowship together
 聽道筆記 Message Notes 
1 教會安排英文部牧者高賴恩牧師的就職典禮於十一日四日舉行。
. Our church schedules to have the English Language Pastor Installation for
Rev. Brian Gomes on Nov. 4th.

2 青少年團契有興趣為孩童們籌劃舉辦十月三十一日的豐收節慶典活動。
. 活動宗旨是提供給我們的孩童以基督為主的活動,而且能去邀請沒上
The youth group is interested in planning and hosting a Harvest Party on
Wednesday 10/31 for the children. The goal of the Harvest Party is to
provide an alternative that is Christ centered and to reach out to unchurched
children. We will have a planning meeting today during lunch for any youth
and adults who are interested in planning this event.

3 你在尋找小服事卻能影響眾人的事奉機會嗎?教會在尋找有心協助翻
. 譯每週代禱事項同工,來使全教會中英文會眾都能參與於代禱事工。
Are you looking for an opportunity to serve in a small way that has a great
impact on our church? We are looking for someone with the desire to help
translate our weekly prayer requests so that our whole church can
participate in prayer for the Chinese and English speaking. Please contact
Pastor Brian or Minister Ju if the Lord is putting this on your heart.

4 親愛的家長,謝謝你們持續在教會活動開始前和結束後看守你們的孩
. 子,來支持教會物產的保持和照顧他人的安全。教會期盼你們繼續如
Dear Parents, thank you for your continued support in respecting the church
property and the safety of others by watching your children before and after
church activities. We look forward to your continued support in keeping
our children safe and caring for our church facility.

5 為促進彼此相識、協助新朋友認識教會眾多家庭,教會將開闢一公佈
. 欄供弟兄姊妹家人照片之張貼(不超過 4”X6”,附家人姓名)。教會鼓勵
To facilitate familiarity with each other and help newcomers to recognize
our church family, our church will dedicate a bulletin board to post family
pictures (no larger than 4”x6”, with names attached). The church
encourages every family to participate. Please give the picture to your
fellowship group leader or a Deacon/Elder board member. Please contact
them if you have questions.
6 週五晚兒童班需要助手。週五兒童團契現分成兩個班: 1.5–3 歲班, 3-5
. 歲班。兩個班每次上課各需一個助手來幫忙。上課時間 8:00-9:30 PM.
Helpers are needed for the children’s classes on Friday nights. The
children’s fellowship is divided into two different classes: 1.5-3 year olds
and 3-5 year olds. One helper will be needed for each class from 8:00-9:30
pm. Please contact Fa Yong-hong at 360-210-7658 if you have any
questions or are interested in helping.

7 本週代禱宣教士:在學園傳道會總部事奉的帝恩與素華,他們的女兒
. 永惠接受自閉症治療。
This week’s missionary: Dion & SoWah Steinborn who are serving at
headquarter of Campus Crusade for Christ. Their daughter Shannah is
receiving autism treatment.

8 下主日英文堂講員:高賴恩牧師;中文堂講員:朱致民傳道。
. Next Sunday’s English speaker: Rev. Brian Gomes; Chinese speaker:
Jeremy Ju.

上週主日出席統計 成人 78 孩童
Last Sunday Attendance Adults 36 Children
經常基金 General Fund $ 2,304.48
建堂基金 Building Fund $ 0,426.00
上週主日奉獻 宣教基金 Mission Fund $ 0,233.00
Last Sunday Offering 特別奉獻 Special Offering $ 0,000.00
書房收入 Bookstore Income $ 0, 0.00
午餐收入 Lunch Income $ 0,192.00

聚會時間表 Meeting Time

09:00am 主日晨禱會 Sunday Morning Prayer Meeting
10:00am 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship Service
日 Sun 10:30am 兒童主日學 Children Sunday School
青少年主日學 Youth Sunday School 每
成人主日學 Adult Sunday School 週
二 Tue 07:30pm 教會禱告會 Church Prayer Meeting

姐妹會 Women’s Fellowship
四 Thu 10:00am 行
長青團契 Evergreen Fellowship
各團契小組: Weekly
五 Fri 07:30pm
All fellowship groups:
Adults, Youth & Children
六 Sat 08:00am 男士早餐會 Men’s Breakfast 每月第一週 1st Wk Monthly
Chinese Evangelical Church of Vancouver
900 SE Ellsworth Road, Vancouver, WA 98664
Tel: (360) 944-1556 Fax: (360) 944-3079

的 是 叫
話 無 人

翰就 益 活
福是 的 著
音靈 。 的
第, 我 乃
6 就 對 是
你 靈
63 生
們 ,
The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts 。 所 肉
for nothing. The words I have spoken 說 體
to you are spirit and they are life.
~ John 6:63 ~

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