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Kenia Ritka Ayutimur 1106081890 Psychology/ Paralel

Is pop culture dumbing us down or smartening us up? (1) The author tries to explain an interesting theme. Therefore I choose this article. This article explains the simple thing that we already used to face in our life. Popular culture is around us and we are living with it. It is about the comparison of cleverness of Americans twenty years ago and now. Steven Johnson states that popular culture such as television shows and video games, which we thought were making us dumber, is actually making us smarter. Television is different now from the one back in thirty years ago. It is not just simple presentation of story. Nowadays its plot is difficult and it has a complicated story line that requires the watchers to think. That is also happening in video games nowadays. The author wants to inform us that, what we thought were making us stupid is actually what making us smart. The message that the author wants to share is that do not underestimate and denounce the popular culture. In my opinion, most popular culture is not harming or being destructive for our live. Popular culture has a role in our life. It maybe has disadvantages but I think by having a filter in absorbing it, pop culture is one of the fun ways to smartening us.

Name Student Number Faculty & Class : :

Kenia Ritka Ayutimur

1106081890 Psychology/ Paralel

Is pop culture dumbing us down or smartening us up? (2) This article is comparing two different kinds of learning by popular culture. It gives the readers explanation about the way popular culture represent different kind of learning. That is why I find this article interesting. In the articles it is said that popular culture represent different kind of learning. It compares book and video games. While reading a book is a form of explicit learning, playing video games is a collateral learning. If we think that the best way to learn is by explicit learning, there is actually another way to learn that popular culture offers. Playing video games is also the way to learn. The author informs us that popular culture offers us another way to learn, for example by video games. I kind of agree of the statement that explicit learning is not the only kind of learning. In my opinion, we can learn from everywhere and popular culture offers more than one way to learn, we can learn for examples through video games, television shows, and popular music.

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