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Brand Preception Questionnaire- Ibn El Balad

Date Interviewer Name

Reviewer Name Application #

The data gathered in this survey is for service improvement only and will not be used in any other purpose. This data is kept confidential and for the use of Ibn El Balad management only. no personal data and/or information is required.

1- Evaluate the following Restaurants on the following two attributes on scale from 1 to 5: (1=Very good, 2= good, 3= Average,4= Poor, 5= Very poor) 1-A Check the appropriate rating for each restaurant brand based on (XXXXX) attribute:

Quality of food and drinks

Restaurant Name Balbaa Abl El Seed Abu Shaara Hosny Abdul Wahab Ibn El Balad 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

1-B Check the appropriate rating for each restaurant brand based on (XXXXX) attribute:

Restaurant name reputation

Restaurant Name Balbaa Abl El Seed Abu Shaara Hosny Abdul Wahab Ibn El Balad 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

2- Where do you usually go when you want to visit a restaurant restaurant?

3- Are you aware of Ibn El Balad Restaurant?

Yes No

(If No stop here)

4.1 Have you ever been to Ibn El Balad Restaurant?

Yes No

Concepts Consulting LLC.


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Brand Preception Questionnaire- Ibn El Balad

4.2 If No, Why?

5- Have you visited Ibn El Balad Restaurant in the past month?

Yes No

6- If you were to describe Ibn El Balad Restaurant in one word, what would it be? (Check all that applies)
Expensive Filling Prestigious Convenient Nice View Fun Crowded Tasty Entertaining Refreshing

7- What makes Ibn El Balad Restaurant different from other places?

8.1 Are you satisfied with the service you get from Ibn El Balad Restaurant?
V. Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dis-satisfied V.Dis-Satisfied

8.2 If the answer is Dis-Satisfied or V.Dis-satisfied, please state Why?

9- Personal Data Gender Age Bracket

Male 16-22 45+ School Graduate Student Single

Female 23-30




Post Graduate

Marital Status Occupation


Married with Kids

Concepts Consulting LLC.


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