Exercise 1-Introduction of Concrete

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True or False

Concrete gains strength by drying out.

Concrete comprises sand, crushed rock, water and cement

A) True B) False C) Possibly D) Dont know

True or False
Cement is made from limestone, clay and iron ore.

True or False
Cement is simply ground clinker.

True or False
Roman concrete is the same as 21st century concrete

True or False
Some Roman aqueducts were made from concrete and masonry materials

True and False

Portland cement was invented by: (a)A chemical engineer in 20th century (b)Joseph Aspdin in 1824 (c) Joseph Aspdin in 1796 (d)A Roman 2000 years ago

True or False
Concrete is stiffer than steel.

True or False
Concrete is more shock absorbing than steel.

Concrete contains voids called pores. They contain ...

A) Air B) Water C) Air and water D) Dont know

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