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Paper3 Note: Inthe suggested answers: yf. ‘Marking Scheme indicates (aa) altemative, acceptable word(s)/phraso(s) within an answer. ii) —~ indicates an alternative answer. PARTA (53 marks) Section 1 (5 marks) we 2B 3D 4A 5. 3B Section 2 (13 marks) 1 Seating Plan (6) Peter (7) Louisa (8) Steve Sarah (9) Jenny (ample) (12) Mike (11) Maggie (10) John 2 Shopping List 3 ONIONS (example) 13. 1 bag of potatoes 4 2 watermelons 5, 16, 7, 8, a dozen / 12 red roses a/1 big candle 500 g / gm(s) / gram(s) / gramme(s) fresh coffee balloons 158 Section3 AS marks) 1 «9 Ice-cream Castle (Grol as eppropriete) 29) scoops 1/2134 Cone / Cup KEundad)/ Cobe i Flavours (Tick(¥.)as appregriaie.) (21) Notes Strawberry [0] Chacelete a Varitia [5] chocetete chip _ a Mint ] Marge _ Pineopple [1 bonora 7 - Toppings (Tisk(V)esapprepriata) (22) Notes ‘Strawberries Marshmellows [¥] (23) a few/5 or 6 marshmallows Whipped creem [Y] cherries Mas Nuts Chocolate sauce Coramel scuce Drinks (Tick (v/) as epprepriate,) Coffee (24) [T] Coke Teo Orange juice [ Water Ice-cream Castle (cree eft oo Scoops 1(2)/ 3/4 Cone Cony Sundae / Cake j Flavours (Tick (/) erapproprate) Notes Strawberry Chocslate _ Vania T] chocolate ehip : a { Mint (28) [1] Mange ! Pineepale Banana Toppings (Tick (V) as appropriate) Notes Strawberries Morshmallows (30) put sauce on when coo! Whipped cream Cherries oe a Mans Nuts (29) ee ij Chocolate sauce [T] Caramel sauce —— = i Drinks (ick (Jar oporopriste) Notes Coffee Coke (82) no sugar i Tea wo T] Orange juice (83) not too much milk Woter O 159 na Section 4 20 marks) { Sunny Sailings Date of trip (4) 27 May ‘Type of boat required (Tick (¥) as appropriate.) Startingtime —_(36) 9:00am 20 people Finishing time —_(36) 7:00 pm 20 people (37) [V 40 people Name of boat _(38) Red Dragon Name of hirer Mr/ Mrs Mary Wong (example) (Circle as appropriate, Contact details Daytime phone no. (80) 2845 7788 E-mail eddress (40) mary-wong@hk.not (41) ham sandwiches (42) chicken wings (43) apple pio (44) ice-box (45) plates (46) cups (47) CD player Destination (49) Sai Kung Pick-up point (50) Central Itinerary (54) four of the harbour (52) stop for swimming /a swim (53) stop /Iunch at soaiood restaurant 160

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